When you feel sad or overwhelmed, doing something that makes you happy takes away that sadness. When times are difficult for us, we pull on our inner strength to help us through. Sometimes it can be hard to find the inner strength to remember what makes us happy to help us feel better. That’s where the Happy Box helps us!

The Happy Box is a box full of items to help us feel calm, happy and able to handle difficult situations. Each class has been given their own happy box with squishy balls, stretchy men, cuddly toys, glitter tubes and timers to help us feel back in control of our feelings and able to choose happiness. The boxes also have story books in them to help us think about different emotions and how to cope with them.

Now that each class have their Happy Box, they can begin to add in their own items to personalise the boxes. They can add photos of happy memories from school, special toys or momentos, or even a piece of music that calms them. The boxes can be decorated in any way they like so that the class feel like it is their special box.

We hope that children can choose items from the Happy Box during the day when they need some support in feeling more calm and in control of their feelings.

Please let us know which items have helped you the most and how your class are choosing to decorate and personalise your box!

6 comments on “Happy Boxes!

  1. Hello Everyone !

    These happy boxes will be very very helpful to lots of children.

    I am glad that we have them 🀩😊

  2. What a lovely idea and a great way to support and help the children with their emotions and feelings! Well done St Vincent’s x

  3. Great idea!
    We loved Fergal is fuming with so many ideas on how to manage angry feelings.😊

  4. Julia G Year 5 says:

    Thank you for such great things in the Happy Box. We really like them!

  5. I really love ❀️ it πŸ˜ƒ!

  6. Nina and Ella {year 5} says:

    Thank you very much -they look very fun. I will make sure to use it when I am sad .πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜

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