Year 4 have really enjoyed Judaism week this week!

We spent time looking at the Sefer Torah, the Jewish holy book.

Year 4 learnt that the Torah is a special scroll made of parchment. It is covered with a Mantle and crowns because God is King, and the Torah is the word of God.

We read some special stories from the Torah such as Moses and the burning bush. We thought carefully about how the Torah helps to guide Jewish people when they encounter obstacles or need motivation in their daily lives, just like how we use the Bible in the same way.

The class really enjoyed designing their own Mantles (Torah covers) and even copied some Hebrew writing onto them!

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to be able to participate in a workshop, kindly led by The Jewish Museum.

The workshop focused on some sacred objects that influence the daily lives of Jewish people, such as in prayer, the synagogue and home. Year 4 learnt that the Jewish people place Mezzuzah that contains the Shema onto their door posts to remind them of God whenever they enter any room or building. They also learnt about Etz Chaym, the wooden scrolls that the Sefer Torah is sewn on. Etz Chaym means tree of life and the Torah is the foundation of Jewish people’s daily life.

The class really enjoyed telling the museum everything they have learnt about Judaism this week and even made their own Kippah afterwards!

3 comments on “Judaism Week: Sacred objects workshop!

  1. Hi, I really enjoyed learning all about the Mezzuzah and the Sefer Torah. In hot countries they called it the Sephardi Torah as it is kept in a metal case to make sure that the ink doesn’t melt.

  2. Billie Gibbs says:

    Hi I love colouring the Torah I enjoy the week from Billie

    Stay safe 😂

  3. Hi I really enjoyed learning different things and new words.

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