Our Design and Technology topic this term is making doodlers. We have already learned how to use motors in electrical products and revised our knowledge of the electrical components of a circuit. In this lesson, the children were introduced to doodlers, an electrical device that uses a motor to generate a wobbly offset spin and scribble jagged circles and patterns. The wobble is due to the counterweight placed on the motor’s axle causing the motor to spin off centre. The children were given a model that didn’t work and they investigated different changes that could be made to the components to help it to work. Once they’d explored the different components, they could make their own versions. There were a lot of things we had to think about: how do we generate movement? How can we alter the doodler’s form and function? Which implements are most effective? Where should we position the doodling tools? Every single doodle created today worked brilliantly and we had a lot of fun making our doodlers!

2 comments on “Making Doodlers for D&T in Year 5

  1. Julian y5 says:

    It was super fun!I quite enjoyed making the doodlers.

  2. Alexandra Y3 says:

    That looks fun!

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