On our last day before half term, the whole took part in a Marian Procession. This is such a special occasion, and beautiful way to celebrate Mary in the month of May.

As a whole school we processed to Church, led by the Pupil Chaplaincy Team. The youngest children were then lead by Year 6, and classes of older children walked with the lower years across the school, to show how we are a school family and gathering together is such an important way to celebrate our faith, and Mary at this special time.

Once everyone was in the Church, where lots of supportive parents and family members joined us, we were then welcomed by the Pupil Chaplaincy Team. The Pupil Chaplaincy Team  reminded us that we had come together to honour Mary our Mother. For hundreds of years May has been a month dedicated to Our Lady and due to this, round the world children lay flowers at her feet, and pray the rosary as a sign of their love and respect for the mother of Our Lord. Pope Francis has loved and respected Our Lady too and he says that Mary teaches us three important lessons.

The first lesson Mary teaches is how to know the joy of Jesus deep in our hearts and how to share this joy with others. The second lesson is how to help those in need, without delay, as Mary did. The third lesson is how to persevere, by trusting that God will strengthen and encourage us always.

Two children from each class presented Mary with peace lilies, that Father Philip blessed for us. The peace lilies are now sat in each class upon our prayer tables as a reminder of this special occasion. The Pupil Chaplains also crowned our school Mary statue with flowers in hour of the special procession.

Year 1 and 5 children then performed a beautiful Liturgical Dance they had prepared with Miss Walsh. The children danced to a song titled – Mother Mary, Pray for us. The dance and words to the song reminded us that we can celebrate and strengthen our faith through our thoughts and actions, and how it is important to reflect on this during the Month of May. We ask Mary for forgiveness, strength and patience as she showed so peacefully throughout her life.

Throughout the Marian Procession the whole school sand special hymns dedicated to Mary. Chamber Choir also performed Ava Maria to the whole congregation and did so very beautifully.

Thank you to the whole school for this moving and respectful occasion. It is always a joy to join together as a school family and have Christ at the centre of our hearts.

Well done to all of the children who performed or read during the Marian Procession, you practiced in your own time for weeks to prepare, and performed brilliantly. Thank you to all of the teachers who worked hard to prepare the Marian Procession: Mr Kersys, Miss Walsh, Miss Siswick and Mr Hylton.

One comment on “Marian Procession

  1. I loved doing the Marian Procession. It was so much fun and I looooved doing the dance with the year ones!

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