This week in Mathematics, Year 3 have been working super hard in our Place Value within 1000 unit.

Throughout the week we have been learning how to recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number including hundreds, tens, ones.

In our lessons we used tools such as part whole models, counters and base ten units to practice partitioning numbers flexibly, as well our knowledge of addition to find the sum of numbers up to 1000.

On Friday the children explored placing numbers on a number line and counting in 10s, 50s and 100s.

I was also so impressed with Year 3’s knowledge of times tables when completing our weekly Times Tables Challenge! You are all so speedy with recalling your times tables including 3s, 4s and 10s and lots of you are well on your way to reaching Level 2 already!

7 comments on “Maths in Year 3

  1. It has been a fun week. We got to work in different partners it was fun to exchange knowledge learn more about 3 digit numbers. My favourite part was the time table challenge I got an excellent result on my second try. Practice is the key.

  2. Alexandra Y3 says:

    I found this maths lesson very fun because I got to use tools like base ten units to practice partioning numbers.
    Thank you Mr. Kersys.

  3. Alexandra Y3 says:

    I found this maths lesson very fun because I got to use tools like base ten units to practice partioning numbers.
    The time table challenge was like a game thats why I liked it a lot.
    Thank you Mr. Kersys.

  4. Maths is fun! I really enjoyed last week!

  5. Miss Coleman says:

    Great maths work Year 3 and I am impressed that you know so many of your times tables already.

  6. Maths is so much fun and you learned so much all ready, great work year 3.

  7. Molly year 3 says:

    Maths is so and enjoyable! I’ve learnt so much already and its only the start of the term!

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