I am very conscious that the date which we had planned for the First Holy Communions this year has passed and we do not, as yet, have a new date. It is very disappointing that after so many months of preparation everything has to be put on hold. What is true for the First Communion children is also true for many of their older brothers and sisters who have been getting ready for their Confirmation. Hopefully, by September there will be fewer restrictions and we shall be able to celebrate the sacraments together again. This week we shall be opening the church doors for the first time in three months – we have to be very careful to keep to the rules about social distancing and cleaning of hands and surfaces but it is exciting to think that people will now be able to come into Saint James’s to say their prayers. If you are on George Street at any  time on any day between Midday and 5pm do drop in and spend a few moments with Jesus. Like everyone else, I have been isolating and it will be good to begin to see people again soon. All of you have been very much in my thoughts and prayers as I have said Mass each day (in an empty church!). Keep safe and well and I look forward to catching up with you and hearing your news.

Father Christopher Colven

3 comments on “Message from Father Christopher

  1. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Father Christopher. We hold you in our prayers and in our hearts. Hope to see you soon!

  2. Amélie Ober says:

    Good morning,
    we have been trying to watch this video since yesterday but there is always an error message.
    Kind regards,

  3. Miss Coleman says:

    Sorry, I think the link only worked if you watched the Mass live on Sunday. You can watch it by going to YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfsv_Yy6p_M

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