As part of our Relationships and Health Education topic ‘Keeping Safe,’ we took part in a First Aid workshop.
We found out about how we can help someone if they are hurt or unwell. We met ‘Teddy’, he was there for us to practice our new skills!

We learnt all about the importance of pressing down on a cut, to help stop us from bleeding. We learnt that blood is very important, and we need to keep as much in our bodies as possible! So pressing down is very helpful.
We practiced pressing down on Teddys ‘cut’, and then put a plaster on his cut. Nursery were very kind, giving Teddy hugs and saying they hope he feels better soon.

Then we learnt about what to do if someone bumps their head – using a cold pack or an ice pack straight away to stop a big bump or bruise from forming. We also learnt that we should asked people two questions when they have bumped their head, so we can tell an adult how they are feeling: are you feeling dizzy? Do you feel sick?
We practiced helping each other, and placing cold packs on our Teddy’s ‘bumped’ heads.

Then poor Teddy fell over, and Mini First Aid showed us how to help someone if they are not responding. The most important thing is to place them on their side, and then call the special number 999! We practiced turning Teddy over, and using pretend phones to call 999. It is very important for us to know our address, so we can say where we need the ambulance to come and help.

To finish we read a story that showed a boy called Freddie, first grazing his knee and bumping his head, and all the important things that needed to happen so Freddy felt better. All of the things we had learnt today!

Thank you to the SVPA and Miss Siswick for organising this special workshop, Nursery learnt so many important skills! 

One comment on “Mini First Aid

  1. it looks like Nursery learnt lots of important skills!

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