We were very lucky to have Belinda from 3BM come and talk to us about staying safe online in our assembly today.

In the KS1 and EYFS assembly, we thought about who keeps us safe in real life. The children all thought about different adults they go to when they feel unsafe. Belinda explained that it is the same on the computer. It was good to remember than whenever something pops up when we are on the internet, or something happens that makes us feel unsafe, that we must go and talk to an adult about it.

In the KS2 assembly, we thought about what we share online. We talked a lot about banter and how it might start off as funny jokes, but can really hurt people’s feelings. We had good discussions about other things we might share, such as our location or game cheats, and decided that we shouldn’t share them online, especially with anyone we don’t know.

Belinda shared some videos too, if you want to look at them again, or find the other resources BBC Own It has, then click here: https://www.bbc.com/ownit