This half term, we have started our new PE Topic of Outdoor Adventurous Activity (O.A.A)!

This topic is all about exploring different physical challenges whilst also working on teamwork skills including communication and problem solving. 

In our first lesson, we were introduced to the topic and what we would be covering over the half term before heading into our warm up. It’s important to warm up our bodies before physical activity and what better way would there be then a quick tag game. The challenge was to see if we could avoid being tagged for 1 min whilst moving around the area doing different movements such as skipping, sideways, skipping and two-footed jumps. 

After our warm up, Coach Jamie introduced us to our first challenge. We had to work together to get one set of coloured cones across the grid to the other side in as little moves as possible. The rules that alternative colours have to moved (so red, green, red, green etc), only one cone could move at a time and a cone could not jump more than 2 spaces. After getting into our teams, we did setup our grids, grabbed our cones and tried to complete the challenge. With lots of teamwork and resilience, we managed to complete the first challenge. 

The next challenge was that we added 2 more squares to our grids and gained 2 more cones to move whilst also we had to appoint a team leader who was the only person allowed to talk and direct everyone when to move the cones. We all got a go at leading our team and we had to make sure that our instructions were clear and easy to understand! 

Well done Year 4 on your first O.A.A lesson and completing the challenges! I was so impressed with your teamwork skills and how everyone was involved! 

What part of the task did you find the hardest and why?

5 comments on “PE In Year 4-Outdoor Adventurous Activity

  1. Looks very fun ! 🤩

  2. Alexandra Y3 says:

    I love sports challenges! Great job year 4!

  3. It was fun finding out the puzzle. It was so good.

  4. Zlata year 4 says:

    I love doing P.E. It’s so fun.

  5. I loved this puzzle. It really got my mind thinking. I loved it.

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