Throughout this term we have been thinking about the special friendships and relationships we have with our friends and family. 

Nursery have been gathering together through circle times, games and activities to think about how lucky we are to have so many family and friends around us who care for us and love us, and who we love too. To develop Nursery’s personal, social and emotional development, we have been having special circle times each week, where we focus on what it means to be a good friend, and how we can be a good friend to others. 

Nursery have worked hard to understand what people may want from a good friend, and how we can try and act this way for our friends and family, at school and at home! 

Here are some of the attributes Nursery thought makes someone a good friend:

  • Someone who is kind and caring
  • Someone who shares their toys and plays with others
  • Someone who asks someone if they want a big hug, and hug them if they say yes! 
  • Someone who sits next to someone and listens to them 
  • Someone who makes people happy and smile! 
  • Someone who helps people when they are hurt, and tell a teacher or their mummy
  • Someone who prays and thinks of others
  • Someone who is nice to everyone

Nursery have been so thoughtful throughout our Personal, Social and Emotional Development lessons, and during special activities such as Treasure Time. They have been listening to their friends, being kind and caring, and sharing all of the Nursery toys and resources with everyone. I am so proud of Nursery’s development, and how they act out their ideals for a good friend each day to everyone around them. Here are some photos of Nursery being good friends to one another this term: 

One comment on “Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Friends and Family

  1. Mabel’s mum says:

    What lovely happy photos. Well done on being such good friends nursery

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