This week Year 4 began their new Cricket topic for this half term with Coach Harry From Lord’s Cricket Ground!

First we warmed by answering questions such as ‘I have played cricket before’ and ‘I have heard of Lord’s Cricket Ground ’ by running up to the end cone and throwing a bean bag to the red wicket for ‘no’ or the blue wicket for ‘yes’. This was a fun warm up and a good way to demonstrate our throwing skills as well as let Coach Harry know what we already understand about cricket.

The class then continued to practice their throwing and catching skills through a series of games such as cone tag. Catchers used cones to trap their class mates, savers used bean bags to free those who were stuck by throwing a bean bag to one another twice so they could join in the game again.

Afterwards we discussed the role of an Umpire in game such as cricket, tennis and volleyball. An Umpire is similar to a referee in football and ensures that the players follow cricket rules.

Coach Harry then taught us different cricket vocabulary and matching actions which are used in cricket games such as wide, no ball, free hit, 6 run and howzat!

We then discussed the meaning of each term and played an Umpire game to practice using the actions and vocabulary ready for next week’s lesson.

Fingers crossed the roof is ready for our lesson next week so we can get out the bats and balls!

What was your favourite part of the lesson with Coach Harry?

6 comments on “Physical Education in Year 4

  1. PE was very fun and I enjoyed it very much! 🤩

  2. I hope all of year 4 enjoyed this lovely lesson you had! You guys had an amazing lesson and can’t be grateful enough to have this much fun.

  3. Sebastian y4 says:

    Hope y4 enjoyed the lesson. I can’t wait to come back to school! 😀

  4. Louise😀 says:

    My favourite part of the lesson with Coach Harry was when we had to show if it was a yes or a no by throwing a beanbag at the colour. Blue represented yes and red represented no.

  5. I loved PE and it was soo much fun!!!!!!!!!

  6. Camila & Olivia says:

    Our P.E. lesson with coach Harry was amazing !!! ⚽⚾🥎🏀🏐🏈🏉🎱🎳⛳
    We loved learning new skills to begin cricket. Thank you coach Harry and all the P.E teachers that have worked so hard for us !!!🥰

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