This week in Religious Education Nursery was talking about talking with and to Jesus!

It was the last lesson for our Reconciliation topic of friends. We started by recapping the main points of our learning so far in this topic:
– what makes a good friend?
– what Jesus did with his friends
– how we can show forgiveness and kindness to our friends
– that Jesus is one of our special friends
We then talked about how we can talk to Jesus through prayer because Jesus loves to hear from us. He loves to hear about our day, any problems we have and also how we can be a really kind friend.

We then had our special collective worship time inside. We started by turning the lights off and setting up a special area inside our circle. We then gathered together by being quiet and turning off the lights so we could feel Jesus in our hearts. We then listened to Jesus word in the Bible about how to be a good friend. For the response to the Bible we all collected a special stone and thought about what we would like to say to Jesus. We then shared this as a class. Finally we talked about how our mission today is to be a really good friend.

Outside we then had some time to take it in turns role-playing how to be a good friend! The children were very good at showing what not to do to be a good friend, but also how to be good friends!

In what ways are you a good friend?

One comment on “Religious Education and Prayer in Nursery

  1. It looks like you had so much fun Nursery! Jesus was always kind and helpful to others so to be like we have to be kind and I know you all are kind.

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