In our Local Church Religious Education topic ‘Sources’, we have been learning more about the Old and New Testaments.

We have been developing our skills to find Bible passages independently and enjoying reading  the Word of God.

We have been focussing on learning from the scripture and using the Bible passages to support a point of view as well as making links between Christian beliefs and scripture.

Inspired by the letters of St. Paul, we wrote letters to the children in Class 2 to teach them how to live a Christian life as they grow older.

Today, we delivered and read our letters to Class 2. We hope and  that the children will enjoy  reading them as well as learning more about how to live as Jesus taught us.

Together through Christ we Grow and Learn.

18 comments on “Religious Education: Letters to Class 2

  1. I really enjoyed writing a letter in the style of Saint Paul to a child in year 2! I hope that the year 2 children enjoyed our letters!!!

  2. Erietta😏 says:

    It was very fun to read with the year 2 i hope we do that again !

  3. I loved reading with year 2. My favourite part was when we wrote it.

  4. I really enjoyed writing the letters about how you should behave

  5. I loved reading the letters we made to year 2 it was lots of fun.

  6. Valentina Y6 says:

    It was nice writing the letter, i hope my year 2 liked my letter!

  7. ☆NOAH☆ says:

    It was very fun to give our personalised card about how to act in a school community and how to behave.

  8. I loved the faces they made when they saw the letters I think we did a good job writing them.

  9. I loved writing letters to Y2. I hope the Y2s enjoyed it too.

  10. Juliet year 6 says:

    I really enjoyed reading my letter to the year 2 partner I had. They were really happy to have it.

  11. It was very fun to teach Year 2 children how to be kind as Christian and giving it to them.

  12. I really enjoyed writing the letters as well as reading them to year 2!
    I hope they liked the letter we gave them to keep!

  13. I really enjoyed giving year 2 their letter.We had to write like St.Paul,write a bit of the Bible and explain what it means.

  14. Isabella Y6💖 says:

    This was so fun. I loved getting to read my letter to a Year 2 pupil.

  15. I loved writing a letter to a year 2 child !!! I hope year 2 enjoyed reading them!!!

  16. Daniela :) says:

    Writing the letters to year 2 was fascinating! I was so glad that I wrote a letter. I hope year two got convinced by our letters!

  17. It was so fun and we all loved reading to the year 2 children.

  18. It was so much reading our letters in the style of Saint Paul to the year 2 children. Hope you enjoyed the letters year 2 and learned a bit more about Jesus!

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