Nursery’s current Religious Education topic is Baptism – Belonging : Welcome.

We have been learning about how we all belong in God’s family and how we are welcomed into the Church through our Baptism. 

Nursery have looked at all of the important artefacts used during a Baptism, the important people who are present during a Baptism, and the special words they during the ceremony whilst blessing the baby. We had a very calm and peaceful circle time, Nursery sat beautifully in a circle, and looked at all of the artefacts used during a Baptism. We each had a turn at holding each artefact; the shell used to pour the Holy Water onto the baby, the baptismal candle that each person receives once they are baptised, a crucifix that can be seen in the Church, a white garment for the baby and a Bible. 

Whilst we looked at the artefacts, we talked about their importance and why they are used during Baptism. A key artefact that we could not have is the font, that holds the Holy Water. Nursery were very good at remembering the name ‘font’ and why it is important! 

Nursery were able to complete an activity where they cut and stuck pictures of each special artefact, or important person. Whilst they did this, they were able to tell an adult what each picture represented, and what they have learnt about them throughout this topic. 

Our next step for the topic was to look at the Baptism of the baby, starting with our own! Each child brought in photos of their own Baptism, and we were able to see all of the artefacts and special people in the photos that we have been learning about.  This was such a lovely circle time where the children could show their friends pictures of themselves and their families. This is such a special way for the children to see other families, and see what they are learning about in a different way. 

Thank you to all of the parents who sent in photos for the children to share, this really brings our lessons to life! 

Whilst we looked at the special photos, we remembered the special words the Priest says, whilst pouring the Holy Water onto the baby. “I Baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”. Nursery were very excited to re enact a Baptism on some of Nursery’s dolls. They were all so sensible and gentle when holding the baby and when using the special shell to pour the water onto the babies head. 

To embed the message of our topic of Belonging, Nursery have been learning the song ‘I Belong’ which is sung during school assembly and Mass. This is a lovely song with a comforting message, as Nursery are learning the words they are able to join in with the rest of the school! Making them feel  and understand that they belong in the St Vincent’s family. 

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