Today we celebrated Safer Internet Day at school. Safer Internet Day is held every February all around the world. It is a chance to think about any worries we might have about using technology and the internet, but it’s also about celebrating all the fantastic things technology can help us with. This year, the theme is:

Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.

During our special assemblies, we thought about how the internet has changed a lot over the last few years. Computers look very different today compared to how they looked when they were first made!

We also thought about how little changes are happening all the time. This could be changes while we are using the computer, like a pop up or a game looking different as it has been updated. Or it could be that the creators have changed the settings without us knowing. We discussed how these changes might make us feel and what we could do about that.

We all know the best way to feel better about things is to talk to someone, and preferably a trusted adult. Our trusted adults are always looking after us and making decisions that are for the best, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time! And that the rules and expectations that one family have, will be different to another family, and that is okay! Everyone is different and so we all need limits on our devices, ask for help and enjoy having fun in different ways!

It might be useful to set up an internet family contract, that helps everyone to know what the expectations are and to remember what to do if you need help for anything. Here are some template ones that you can use at home:

We also welcomed in Iris from MIND who led a parent workshop on screen use, as well as workshops with Years 1, 2 and 3 about kindness and kindness online, and workshops with Years 4, 5 and 6 about social media.

If you need any more advice or support, please come and speak to Miss Coleman, Mrs Duffy, Miss Carruthers or your class teacher. 

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