To finish our RE topic, Mission, the children were given a class photo but each photo was cut into smaller pieces and jumbled up. The children had to put the picture back together like a jigsaw. The reason we did this is was because we had to consider what it would mean if we had a piece missing (we would not be able to complete our jigsaw!) and we linked this to the work we’ve been doing on our mission as Christians: to spread the good news by following Jesus’s example. We came to realise that if we have all the pieces of a jigsaw, it’s easier to complete the puzzle and likewise, if we are all united in our mission as Christians, it’s easier to achieve our common goals.

We discussed in greater detail what the mission of a Christian looks like in reality and we agreed that it involves helping people in need; demonstrating our values and leading by example (being generous, kind and humble etc.); being a peacemaker and being ready to forgive those who upset us. We came to realise that we all want the same thing and that’s to make the world a better place but if we are not all united in our mission, it will be much more difficult to achieve this.

2 comments on “Unity within the Christian Community

  1. It looks so fun. I’m so sad I missed it

  2. It was such a fun lesson! We had to write about our cut class picture and carefully stick it in our RE books.

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