This week is Walk to School Week! We, The Junior Travel Ambassadors and Green Team invite the whole school to celebrate the incredible physical and mental health benefits that walking brings to everyone!

Strong hearts, healthy bones, increased muscle strength are all well-documented outcomes of walking, but the benefits for the mind are just as powerful. Increased sense of calm and self-esteem, time to connect with friends, family and the natural world, awakened creativity and improved overall cognitive function…phew!!

All that makes for happy, healthy adults and children!  

So, St. Vincent’s, this week we challenge you to walk, cycle or scoot to school every day! Each class will have a reward chart so fill in your name and then it’s time to get moving!

‘We know it can be hard for those children who live far away from school so a good option for you would be ‘Ride and Stride’. This week, get off the tube or the bus one stop earlier than usual and then walk the rest of the way!’ HP (Junior Travel Ambassador) 

‘Walking to school helps everyone (and everything!) It helps you to get some good exercise and also helps the environment because less pollution is being emitted!’ CP (Junior Travel Ambassador)

Green Team Challenge

As well as walking to school, we would like you to create a poster about walking to school to show just how important it is! Hand in your finished poster to the Green Team Representative in your class. Thank you! GC, SL and JF (Green Team Representatives-Year 6)


2 comments on “Walk to School Week!

  1. Vanessa Dijoux says:

    Good initiative

  2. (*Year 5 *)Nina & Ella******* says:

    I will try my best to walk to school every day.🚶‍♀️

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