Over  the past few weeks it has been wonderful to welcome back Coach Harry from Lord’s Cricket Ground and Coach Dion from Queen’s Park Rangers. 

Year 3 and 4 have been enjoying Football with Coach Dion; Year 3 have been focusing on passing and dribbling and Year 4 have been focusing on keeping control of the ball and how to retain possession if someone attacks! Most importantly, Coach Dion has been teaching both classes the importance of team work and that when playing football, it’s all about taking part and having fun!


Year 5 and 6 have been enjoying Cricket with Coach Harry; Year 5 have been focusing on fielding including the importance of throwing and catching and Year 6 have been focusing on batting ensuring that their bat is facing forwards and remains straight! Furthermore, Coach Harry has been teaching both classes about the importance of working in collaboration with others and being respectful of the people they played with and against.


Over the years, here at St. Vincent’s, we are lucky to have developed strong links with Lord’s Cricket Ground and Queen’s Park Rangers so it is wonderful to welcome both coaches back! 

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