Today, Monday 8th June 2020, is World Oceans Day . This is an opportunity to celebrate our planet and think about how making simple changes can have a positive impact on the local and global environment, helping to prevent further ocean plastic pollution. Find out more about World Ocean Day

The Premier League Primary Stars, who we do lots of work with, has partnered up with Sky Ocean Rescue to bring you these fun resources. Watch the short film, then try some of the activities below.

Sailor Dee Caffari explains the implications of plastic in our oceans and the simple changes we can make to help reduce further environmental damage.

While watching the film, think about the following questions:

  • Why do we use so much plastic?
  • What is single-use plastic?
  • What happens to plastic when we are finished with it?
  • How is plastic pollution affecting our oceans?

Try the plastic pollution quiz with your family.

Identify the single-use plastics on the drawing below. Colour them in.

Have a think about how you and your family can reduce your plastic waste. Write your ideas as a pledge on this template or on the Comments section below.


Mrs Knowler & Green Team have worked really hard to develop our knowledge and understanding of environmental issues. Keep up the good work and think of how you can make a difference to our oceans.

6 comments on “World Oceans Day

  1. I am watching lots of things online about ocean day. I’ve watched a rock pool video and I’m going to watch a turtle and shark feeding and make an ocean hat

  2. Mrs Knowler says:

    Well done Eden. Did you watch the films at the end? I am just about to watch them myself.
    If you notice at the bottom there is a section that says “Take part in your own plastic challenge…” I will be putting more news of this on the website in a little while. I can’t wait to see your ‘Habit-hat!’.

  3. ???Jade??? says:

    I have also thought of a few ways to stop plastic waste that my family has already done or is thinking of doing.First of all we can stop using or buying plastic bottles.My family has done that for now we have a fridge which gives out water filtered from the sink.My mum has stopped using plastic bags when she goes shopping and instead bought a reusable shopping bag.Most of the times when my mum goes and buy a coffee she brings her reusable cup.I think we could try and stop buying so many things that are wrapped in layers of plastic.My family tried doing that by buying a lot of things from the farmers market which most of the time doesn’t use any plastic packaging.I also keep a lot of colored plastic bags for art.

    I think it is good to make a change for there are so many animals suffering because of our mistakes.

  4. Mrs Knowler says:

    Wow, Jade that’s fantastic! So many things that we could do it looks as if your family are doing them all. It is the small, simple things that are going to make all the difference to the planet. I have some lovely shopping bags that I use over and over. When I can’t avoid packaging (if I have a gift or something), I save it up for using as rubbish bags. Well done Jade and you’re fabulously green Mum!! ?

  5. Sebastiao says:

    Hi everyone,

    Climate Change, Pollution and lots of other reasons are affecting our world so what can we do to stop it?

    To help save our planet we can reduce the amount of carbon emissions by cycling and walking more often instead of using cars and vehicles with large amounts of gas.

    We can also use less amounts of plastic and recycle paper. This stops plastic from getting into our oceans which harms fishes and sea animals.


  6. Mrs Knowler says:

    Lovely to hear from you Sebastiao. I absolutely agree with your ideas there. The things you mentioned are so tiny that they should be easy to do. But the effect those changes have will be massive. If we can do our small part towards convincing people to change their habits, that will make all the difference. Something that I am worried about at the moment is fossil fuels. We will discuss this and other aspects when we get together again. Thank you Sebastiao.

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