This morning Year 3 performed a brilliant assembly on their topic of Ancient Egypt.

They taught us all about the gory mummification process and the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb by Howard Carter. All the children performed excellently and we enjoyed their wonderful singing as well!

We hope you enjoy watching the assembly. Well done Year 3!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

8 comments on “Year 3 Assembly

  1. Gabriella Y6 says:

    Well done year 3 for a very funny and entertaining class assembly all about Egypt.

  2. Loved it

  3. It was really nice and pretty funny, the mummification part was the funniest part (and also my favourite part). It was funny because the dead person kept rising up saying ‘’ are you taking my organs out?! And then someone said “you’re dead, you will do nothing about it” -_- then the dead person said “oh ok”. It was very funny.

  4. Graceanne y6 says:

    Well done Year 3 for a very funny assembly all about Egypt.

  5. Mrs Hope says:

    Amazing assembly year 3. It really made me giggle, what a great start to my Friday! Well done

  6. Ambery3 says:

    I really loved performing in the Ancient Egypt assembly it was sooooooo much fun.

  7. Florence Y2 says:

    Well done year 3. You told me lots about Ancient Egypt! My favourite part was when the mummification was happening because the dead man was keeping talking and dead people are not supposed to talk [but if they are not fully dead]. I loved the songs the most!

  8. { *"~Sophia Year 3~"* } says:

    I think this was my most favourited assembly out of all (after the stone age one)

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