This week, Year 4 went to visit the famous Hampton Court Palace which was once the home of Henry VIII. We have been learning all about the Tudor reign as part of our History topic. 

We started our day by walking to the tube and changing at Waterloo for the train out to Hampton Court. Once we arrived, we took in our surroundings whilst enjoying a well deserved snack.  Next, we got to explore Henry VIII apartments and explored the Great Hall in which Henry VIII would eat his meals and the Council Chambers where deep discussions would be had about key topics.  We even got to look at King Henry VIII crown in the vast and beautiful chapel. 

Next we made our way over the Royal Kitchens for our workshop all about Tudor food. We were met by Hari who was our guide into everything food related. We started off by having to explore clues within the courtyard to see what foods the Tudors would have in their time. We found barrels of ale, wheat and wine and worked out that we were in the courtyard where the food would be delivered. We then made our way into the Royal Kitchens to find out what kind of foods Tudors would have for royal banquets. We found out that they loved sweet things and everything would be made out of sugar, even the table cloth! Hari explained that there were be five roaring fires, each all being looked after by a worker who would have the job of cooking all these different meats such as chicken, pork, lamb and even peacock! After all that talk about food, we were ready for our lunch! 

After lunch, we explored the apartment of William III in which the entrance has the most stunning artwork on the walls and ceiling. We walked through the apartment, looking at the different artwork and furniture which had so much detail. We then made our way back to the station to head back to school. We even played some Top Trumps on the way back during the journey. 

Year 4, what was your favourite part of Hampton Court?  

3 comments on “Year 4 Visit Hampton Court Palace

  1. Moses Y4 says:

    I loved the trip it was so fun when we got to learn more about tudors and my favourite part about the trip was when we got to explore the palace

  2. It looks like you had lots of fun.😍😍

  3. Alexandra 🥰 😍 🥰 says:

    Wow! I hope our class gets to go here too! The palace looks so amazing! 😍

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