Today Year 4 visited the Marylebone Library!

We met Stephen who told us all about the library. 

We discussed the different types of books that you could choose in a library: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Information and Picture Books.

We then read the ‘Big Wide-Mouthed Frog’ by Ana Larrañaga together (there was even a special guest!) and then it was time to choose our own books!

It was really fun to see all of the different categories, authors and types of books available.

After, we had some time on the carpet to read quietly.

Before we left back for school, we checked out the books using our class library card.

We promise to bring back our books as soon as we are finished with them!

Thank you to the Marylebone Library, Miss Jones for organising our trip and all of the parents who came to support us!

Why do you think libraries are so important for our local community?

10 comments on “Year 4 Visit the Library

  1. Dear Mr Kersys,
    I really enjoyed going to the Marylebone Libary because it is nice to be able to go to local places.
    Why do you think libraries are so important for our local community?
    My answer to the question…….
    I think that this is an important opportunity to have a library in our community as it is calm and there are books for all different flavours.That means we have somewhere where we can read which is calm. I chose a book all about chilrden having an adventure in the snow!

  2. Thank you Mr Kersys
    For bringing us for to the Marylebone library we really loved it😃

  3. Dear Mr Kersys,
    I loved the Marylebone Libary because we got to pick out our own books and have alot of fun I can’t wait to go again Mr Kersys.

  4. Dear Mr Kersys
    I think libraries are so important for our local community because books help you to calm down and the books are for everyone. Books are so exiting to read📕.

  5. I think that libarys are important because you can learn and have fun at the same time.

  6. Dear Mr Kersys ,
    I really enjoyed being able to go to the Marylebone Libary because I really enjoy school trips.
    I think Libaries are important for our Local Communities so people can enjoy reading books in there.

  7. Heloise Year 4 says:

    Dear Mr. Kersys

    I really enjoyed going to the Library because I think my book is a really exciting one !📘
    I think Libraries are really important because when people are stressed they can quietly
    read a book and it will calm them down .


  8. I liked going to the library it was a pleasure

  9. I love reading so much!

  10. I really want to go there as a class again!

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