Good morning Class 4 and happy Friday!

Well done for all of your fantastic work this week! I have enjoyed hearing from you all again on a daily basis!

Today’s English blog is for you to publish your final writing piece from yesterday.

You need to read through your feedback on yesterday’s blog and edit your work to improve it.

Then proof-read your work and correct any spelling mistakes.

Finally write out your edited piece again neatly with your best handwriting and no crossing out (you could write in pencil first then go over in pen).

As this is a spell, you might want to decorate your work once you have finished the writing, or display it in a creative way.

However, please remember the main focus is the writing so do not rush the writing and then spend hours on a drawing.

Think about imperative verbs, bullet points, subheadings, exciting adjectives and don’t forget your introduction sentences explaining what the spell is and why Prospero and anyone else might want/need to use it.

Once you are happy with your final piece, take a photograph of it and send it to me. I will upload it onto this blog!

I can’t wait to see your finished spells!

From Miss Lee


Proud of your work?

As I mentioned yesterday, this is a task set by the Primary Shakespeare Company.

On their website you will find a competition where you can email them your spells and you could win a prize for you and the class. If you would like to send them your work, you must first as an adult as you need their permission. Good luck!


23 comments on “English – Friday 24th April 2020

  1. Lucy??‍♀️ says:

    Can I write the spell on the blog?

  2. Hi Lucy, it is important that we keep practising our handwriting, presentation, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
    It would be great if you could write your spell on paper but if this is not possible you can write on the blog but as I said, only if you do not have paper with you.
    I know because of the time difference it is difficult for you to do but you can do this task in your own time and send it to me when it is completed.

  3. Lucy??‍♀️ says:

    Ok Miss Lee, thank you. I had already typed up my final copy ready to paste into the blog today. I will hand write ? it and send it to you over the weekend ?.

  4. Oh no, sorry Lucy! Well done for being so prepared though! I look forward to seeing your final piece!

  5. I have sent the work by email to the office. Is this the right way to send pictures? Thank you.

  6. Yes that is perfect! As soon as the office send it to me I will upload it!

  7. Rafael, I received your work from the office but it just seems to be a photograph of the ingredients list. Can you send a photograph of your whole spell? Thank you

  8. I also sent my copy into the school office.

  9. Great thank you Holly!

  10. Hi Holly,
    If you have a chance please can you edit your final spell for.the feedback yesterday. Add some exciting adjectives to your ingredients list and try to use a variety of imperative verbs such as ‘sprinkle’ and ‘throw’.

  11. Hi miss lee I have sent my work to the school office email

  12. Hi miss Lee!
    Thank you for the great feedback from yesterday.
    I hope this peace of writing will be great.

    The DOUBLE life !!!
    This spell is a fiery coulured liquid. It has a fantastic power. It can only be used three times to save a life. Though, it can be used as many times as wanted. Inside is made out of little penichles which comes as a liquid. You have to rub gently on what has a problem. Only someone which believes in magic can activate this spell.

    This potion will make you able heal anything. It can bring a 50% average of life or cures a hurted part.It can also repair any broken object. This will really be needed if someone gets hurt or just if an object is broken. It can cure any living creature so if crops are dead it can make them alive again.

    What will you need?
    *Shiny and blinding dragon scale.?
    *Pinch of glowing sea holly .
    *Cup of rainbow uninicorn horn.?
    * Glittery fairy dust.??‍♀️
    * Elastic cobwebs.
    * Green and gewy alien scittle.
    * Crystal jewels
    * Wooden bowl and spoon.
    * Slithering snake skin.
    * Saber tooth tiger’s snap teeth
    * burst of raging dragon fire
    * Yummy coconuts ?
    * discussing red back spider legs.

    * First scrumble the dragon blinding scale.
    * Add the glittery fairy dust and the shiny scale.
    * Put the pinch of glowing sea holly in the mixture.
    * Break the rainbow unicorn horn.
    * Add It in.
    * Frow the elastic cob web in the bowl.
    * Mix the gewy skittle and the lack spider legs in the potion.
    * Don’t forget the slithering snake skin and the glowing jewels to be burnt together by the angry dragon.
    * Put everything together.
    * Add the inside of the coconut.
    * Mash up the saber tooth tiger’s teeth.
    * sprinckle it in.
    * Mix everything together.(1h)
    * Rub your potion on hurting part.

    Hello Class 4.
    I was really impressed with your creative ideas in your first drafts of your spells yesterday.
    Today’s piece should incorporate the week’s learning from all of the English blogs.
    It needs to have a variety of imperative verbs in the method.
    It needs to include subheadings and bullet points.
    From the feedback yesterday, please add some exciting adjectives to your ingredients list.
    Today’s work should be your final published piece so you may want to decorate your page once you have written your spell.
    Take some time to make sure your work is the best that it can be! ?

  14. Dear Miss Lee,

    We sent it yesterday but it is not on the blog…. Can you please check? Thank you!

  15. Hi Paolo,
    I received your Milan poster twice but not the spell. Please could you send it again? Thank you!

  16. Hold on, I have found it! I’ll upload it now!

  17. My mum sent final copy

  18. It looks great!

  19. I have finished my work in my yellow book. I am now doing my art.

  20. Let me know please when you upload it as I do not have my notes anymore…

  21. Hello Class 4!
    I have uploaded the final spells which I have received so far onto this blog post.
    They are looking fantastic, well done!
    Do have a look at your friends’ work and I look forward to being sent some more!
    Also please tell me if you are sending your spell in to the Primary Shakespeare Company competition!

  22. Dear Miss Lee my writing has been sent

  23. Dear Miss Lee,

    I have forwarded my work about Prospero’s spell/potion recipe in school’s email address. Have a lovely weekend everyone! Stay safe ?

    Kind regards,
    Clare ?

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