Good morning Class 4!

Today we are looking at rounding decimals.
It’s quite tricky! Please read the blog carefully and ask for help if you need it!

WORKSHEETS: 13 and 14

JUST FOR FUN: Rounding Decimals Game

CHALLENGE: Challenge
Tricky Challenge: Challenge 2

Rounding Decimals:

Begin by watching this video: 

But remember to always ask an adult before clicking a web link.

When we round a decimal we need to remember our place value columns to help us.
If i want to round 4.6 to the nearest whole number, first I need to think about which two whole numbers it is between. Well 4.6 is more than 4 but less than 5 so it is in between 4 and 5.
Next I need to look at the tenths column.
If it is below 5 I round DOWN to the lower whole number (in this case 4).
If it is 5 or above I round UP.
In the number 4.6 the 6 is in the tenths column.
6 means round up, so 4.6 rounds UP to the number 5

What might the number 3.4 round to?
Use the number line below to help you:

Below is another example of rounding decimals:

When might we need to use rounding decimals?
Sometimes if we need to estimate the weight of something, like in the example below:

It is a bit tricky to add decimal numbers quickly, so instead we could round the numbers…
21.5kg -> 22kg
36.8kg -> 37kg
10.2kg -> 10kg

22 + 37 + 10 = 69kg

Now have a go at the worksheets but please do ask for help if you need it!
From Miss Lee 🙂 



39 comments on “Maths – 17.06.20

  1. Nina and Ella ??=/^_+*_*????????;):)^_~^_^^0^>:( says:


  2. Well done girls!

  3. Hello Miss, I have completed the challenges on the sheet . I will send you a photo of the challenges.


  4. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Sophie!
    I look forward to seeing your work!

  5. I finished the worksheets and the challenges

  6. Great work Emilie!

  7. I finished

  8. Well done Martin!

  9. I have finished ?

  10. Great work Ciana!

  11. Well done Holly!

  12. Done all worksheet pages

  13. Super work Albert!

  14. Giordano. ? says:

    all done

  15. Great work Giordano!

  16. All done, Miss Lee! 😀 =<D

  17. Great work Raimundo!

  18. I have done all worksheets and I think that the thing fun to do is really amusing. Challenge 1 is much more easier then challenge 2.

  19. Hello Stella! I am glad you enjoyed the decimals game! Yes Challenge 2 is definitely trickier!
    Well done for working so hard!

  20. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    Done the MNP pages in my book!

  21. Great work Elisa! Well done!

  22. Hi Miss Lee, ?
    I have done my maths no problem in my maths no problem book it was hard but I did understand it.

    Thank, Tijne ?

  23. Hello Tijne!
    Well done, yes rounding decimals is tricky! Well done for being resilient and completing it!

  24. all done

  25. Great work Amarissa!

  26. I have finished my math and I went over some stuff.

  27. Miss Lee says:

    Great work! Well done for working so hard Ajay!

  28. Paolo ??? says:

    Dear Miss Lee,

    All done, but puzzled by WS13, 2, b – is the answer 1.004? As online they say 1.04. Thank you

  29. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Paolo!
    You are right! It is 1.004
    Do you remember sometimes when we mark in class the MNP answers sometimes have mistakes?
    Well done for spotting it!

  30. Done maths no problem pages ?✅!

  31. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Clare!

  32. I have finished the work and challnnge.

  33. Miss Lee says:

    Super work Mayowa!

  34. I have finished the MNP pages and the first challenge.

  35. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Clara!

  36. Done pages!

  37. Miss Lee says:

    Super work Rafael!

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