Doubling a number is the same as multiplying it by 2 or adding it to itself.

Use what you know about doubling to complete the patterns on these butterflies.

Put the answers on our blog.

Challenge: Complete these halving and doubling machines, use small objects to help you. 

17 comments on “Maths – Butterfly Doubles

  1. Good morning miss Savage, my answers are 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. I will build my own doubling machine today !

  2. Ms Pereira says:

    Well done Sibylle!

  3. Ms Pereira says:

    Morning reception, enjoy doubling and halving.

  4. Ms O'Connell says:

    Good work Sibylle

  5. Morning Miss Savage the answers are 2,4,6,8,10. Ruby-Mae finds it more difficult to understand the doubling machine, especially with the biggest number.

  6. Ms Pereira says:

    Great work, Ruby-Mae.

  7. The answers are 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. We are using blocks to help count so that we can complete the doubling and halving machines.

  8. Ms Pereira says:

    Well done, Harlow. Fantastic idea of using blocks to complete the doubling and halving machines.

  9. Florence is enjoying doubling, halving is a bit tricky

  10. Ms Pereira says:

    Great to know that you are enjoying doubling, Florence. Well done!

  11. Ms O'Connell says:

    Well done for your hard work everyone .

  12. Morning miss Savage, the answer is 2,4,6,8 and 10. I built the doubling machine.

  13. Miss Savage says:

    Well done everyone. Yes the answers are 2,4,6,8,10. Have you tried today’s lesson about counting in 2s? Don’t forget to comment in the reading diary too.

  14. We painted our butterflies and got the numbers: 2,4, 6,8,10.
    Had a great time doing our own doubling machine with blocks, it was hard when we got to a hundred, but we managed to do it!!

  15. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10


  16. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

    I enjoyed the doubling machine!

  17. I like doubling but I found halving difficult.

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