As you have learnt in class, flowers are the reproductive organs of a plant. They produce pollen and eggs, which then produce seeds.

To further develop your research skills, can you answer the following questions?


  • Why is pollination so important to gardeners and farmers?
  • If some grapes are seedless, how do you grow new grape

Extra activity if you have time: Can you plan and carry out an investigation to see whether seeds will grow after being frozen? What do you predict will happen? You could even try with different seeds. Please do not go out to buy seeds. If you cannot carry out the investigation, please share your predictions in the comment section. If you do have seeds at home and you carry out the investigation, please come back to the comment section to share your results!

Please proof-read your response before submitting (check punctuation, spelling and grammar).

We look forward to reading your responses,

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson



10 comments on “Science (Plants) 25.3.20

  1. Pollination so important to gardeners and farmers because pollination is when the the transfer of pollen to the stigma of a flower allows fertilisation. Pollination makes seeds, so if there was no pollination, there would be no seeds and if there were no seeds there would be no plants. Gardeners/farmers need plants to make crops.

    You grow new seedless grape plants by cutting off part of the vine, dipping it in rooting hormone and then placing it in moist dirt so that roots and leaves form. So the new vine is a clone of the vine that was cut before!

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Gabriella for your detailed explanations.

  3. Pollination is important for gardeners and farmers because it is when the pollen from a flower’s anther (male part of a flower) is brought to the same or different flower’s stigma (female part of a flower). Once this happens the seed can be created in the ovary. The farmers and gardeners need these seeds to grow more crops and flowers. That’s why pollination is so important for gardeners and farmers.

    Since seedless grapes have no seeds they cannot just be planted in the ground so adult grape plant stems are sliced diagonally and cut into sections. The cut ends are then dipped into a rooting hormone and planted. The new plants that begin to grow are basically genetic clones of the original parent plant, except that they produce seedless fruit. This seedless grape harvesting dates back to the Roman times and if the grapes are just clones the same plant some grapes could be over 2,000 years old!

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your detailed explanation. Science is amazing!

  5. Hello Miss Avdiu & Miss Robertson,

    1* Bees are very important for gardeners and farmers because they play a big – key role in agriculture. They pollinate crops as : increase yield and plants . Bees are so important , in fact ,that millions of them are spending there time pollinating farmers and gardeners crops .

    2*I think seedless grapes are grown from cuttings . Cuttings are when you cut one stick from the plant and then put it in a pot with
    very little soil and water . After a while the grape will start to have a root , then you can plant it in your garden and do it again .

    3* I collected a lot of seeds from M&S before corona-virus crisis. I planted them in soil and look at them every day! It grows fast with a bit of water every morning. It is nice to see them grow!

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Violette. Do let us know how your seeds get on!

  7. Ms Robertson says:

    Wow very informative information Zavan -well done!

  8. Ms Robertson says:

    Great research Gabriella – well done!

  9. ANSWERS …

    (1) The most important reason is that some flowers and plants cannot reproduce on their own and they need the help of animals such as bees,birds , bats , butterflies and many others in order to grow a new generation. This process is known as pollination. It is important to gardeners and farmers, the reason being that it is vital to the production of agriculture.


    (2) Grape plant stems are sliced diagonally and then dipped in a growth hormone . The new plants that begin to grow are basically just a clone of their parents .


    (3) I imagine that they can because when temperatures reach below freezing in the wild plants still grow so I don’t think it’s that much of a difference to freeze them. I will try and get hold of some seeds to prove my point .

  10. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks Lavinia. I look forward to reading all about your investigation! Have a lovely weekend 🙂

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