Good Morning Year 2

This week we are going to revise our learning about telling the time. Time has been a tricky topic for us so it will be good to keep practising it.

Remember that the clock face can be split into quarters. This will help us with o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. You have to be confident with these times before you can move on to the nearest 5 minutes.

You can work out minutes by counting in 5s. You can practise using your five times table and see how it links to this clock face:

Remember that the short hand is for the hour and the long hand is for the minutes. I find it useful to remember that hour is the shorter word, and the shorter hand. Whereas minutes is the longer word and the longer hand.

Please go onto the Maths No Problem Hub and click through to find:

Textbook 2B, Chapter 14, Lesson 1 & 2 – Telling and Writing the Time

Click here for the website. 

When you are going through the textbook questions, see if you can tell the time on the clock faces without reading the answers underneath. Go through lesson 1 first, completing worksheet 1 before moving onto lesson 2 and then completing worksheet 2. You don’t need to print off the worksheets, just answer the questions in your Home Learning books. You may need to draw clock faces to draw in the time, or you could just explain verbally to a family member how the clock would look, remembering to describe the long hand and the short hand.

Remember that your parents have access to all the answers and so they can mark your work for you.

Please use this blog to ask me any questions, if you are stuck or need something explained, and I will try to answer any questions you have.


If you are finding it hard to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes, first practise telling o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

Click here and watch this video and play this game to help you practise telling the time.


15 comments on “Maths – Tuesday 21st April

  1. Hello

    I think it would be easier for parents to give the link directly : and
    If parents are not logged in, I am sure there is a prompt to sign in! Thanks a lot,
    Kind regards

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Thank you for sharing these links. I will include them in future blog posts to make it easier to access the lessons and worksheets.

  3. I finished my maths homework. I found clocks quite tricky, especially the “to” side of the clock.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done! The “to” side is the trickier side to learn. Keep looking at clocks throughout the day to keep practising.

  5. Thank you Miss I completed the clock work

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done! Don’t forget to get the answers from your mum so you can see if you got it all right!

  7. I completed this homework.

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant, well done!

  9. All done Miss Carruthers!
    Emilia was quite confident in telling the time!
    Isabella needed more time but she got it at the end.
    They both started wearing their watches and they were practicing all day long.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done girls. Wearing a watch will help you to be able to practise so many different times. Keep it up!

  11. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    I finished my math homework for today.
    Thank you

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    Great work Marie!

  13. Trouble printing the worksheets but it might be just our printer.

    Finley can talk about the time in terms of to and past but struggles with writting it as a number so we will work on this

  14. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    I finished and posted my homework for today.
    Thank you.

  15. Well done all of you. Learning to tell the time is a bit tricky. I hope when we are back at school you will all be able to tell us adults when it’s lunch time or play time. You know how we are sometimes so busy that we forget to look at the clock. You’ll all be able to remind us now!

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