Today’s Phonics task:  Practice making the ‘n’ action and saying, ‘nnnnnn.’ Go on a hunt in your house for things that begin with an ‘n’ sound.  Practice saying them like this nnnnnnest. Practice writing the letter ‘n’ in the air and on the table with your finger.  You can also write the letter on your laminated card using a whiteboard pen or on paper using pen, crayons, paint or pencil.

Please let us know all of the things that you found in your house that begin with n.

29 comments on “Daily Phonics: Friday

  1. We found Nappy, necklace, nail, Nutella and needle. Her n needs some more work.

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    Great n words, Adelaide. I love Nutella!

  3. Nose, napkin
    James wrote out two pages of nnnnnnn’s as practice, one pages of lower case (with left hand) and a page of upper case (with his right hand!)

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, James. I’m glad that your practicing your writing. With practice, you’ll soon find your dominant hand.

  5. Grace found: a newspaper, nails, a nose and nuts! nnnnnnnn

  6. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Grace. I hope it was your own nose that you found!

  7. I found a notebook, a ninja finger puppet, nuts and napkins.

  8. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Sam. Ninja is a great n word.

  9. Dear Miss Siswick,

    I found Nicolas (me), nana (via FaceTime), neck, nail, nose, nutmeg, nuts, noodles, necklace and the number nine (my bath toys).


  10. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Nicolas. I’m glad you didn’t forget yourself!

  11. Today it’s Nnnn day and I choose so many stuff I can’t believe how many stuff I got. And I got Nutella and nappy and an nest and night monkey and a necklace and a net and a nut and a narwhal and New York magnet and then nail varnish and a nightlight. And I want a pancake!

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    Wow, Philip. You found so many n words! I want a pancake with Nutella too!

  13. Philip was VERY into the search today!

  14. Miss Siswick says:

    So I see?!

  15. Caspian found Nutella , Net , Notebook , Nintendo , necklace , Neck, Nose. Mr Nosey and Nandos where he goes to eat chicken.

  16. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Caspian. I think you’ve got a Mr Men book for every sound!

  17. Hello Nursery,

    Fiadh shouted ‘NURSERY!’ ‘I miss all my teachers and friends’ 🙁

    Nose, neck, nuts, noodles, nest (in the trees).

  18. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Fiadh. I hadn’t thought of Nursery! I miss you all too. I’m glad we can all stay in touch on the website.

  19. Esmeralda says:

    Esmeralda found: Nicolas, nose, now, no

  20. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Esme. Nicolas found himself too!

  21. Nok from Mikey’s reading book. Nanna and nemo.

  22. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Joey. I’d forgotten about Nemo! I love clown fish.

  23. Joseph & Sophia says:

    Hello everyone

    We enjoyed today’s phonics task. We wrote the letter ‘n’ many times on paper using different colours.
    We went on a hunt around the house to find objects that begin with the letter ‘n’, and we found:

    Nappies 🙂
    Napkins (daddy helped us with that one)
    Nail polish

    Have a nice weekend !

    Joseph & Sophia

  24. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Joseph and Sophia. Now you can do each other’s nnnnails with the nnnnail polish!

  25. Dear all,

    Anna found Nicolas, nut, nanny, noodles, ninonino.


  26. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Anna. What is ninonino? I don’t think I know that word.

  27. Ania practices writing the letter” n,” she did well.
    She found :

  28. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Ania. I think you’re the first one to think of Nurse. I was clapping for the nurses at 8 o’clock clock last night.

  29. Mrs Knowler says:

    Well done all of you. I note a nice number of ‘nnn’ words. You have worked so hard this week. I am very proud of you all.

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