Today’s task: Today all of the children in the school are finding out more about a saint. Choose a saint to find out about. Tell us their name and something about them.

This website may help you:

I’ve only just remembered that Mrs Rekkas, Mrs Knowler and I dressed up as saints on Book Day! Can you remember which saints we were and something about them?

30 comments on “Oh when the saints go marching in!

  1. Hermine chose Mary, the Blessed Virgin because she gave birth to Jesus after being visited by the archangel Gabriel, she was born in Jerusalem and she is the greatest of all patron saints. She is celebrated more than once every year: on January 1st, the feast day of the Mother of God, on March 25th: the feast day of the annunciation, August 15th: the feast day of the assumption and December 8th: the feast day of the Immaculate Conception. We have a painting of Holy Mary in our house and she has a beautiful blue dress

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Hermine. You found out a lot about St. Mary, the mother of Jesus. Thank you for reminding us that she is the greatest of all the saints.

  3. Today I learned about the saints Margaret and Maria, which are the names of both my Nannies.

    I couldn’t remember all the information my Mummy gave me, but I did remember that Nanny’s brother’s name is Grandad 🙂

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Sam. Lots of people are named after saints. Your mummy has two saints names; St Anne for Mary’s mother and St Marie for Mary.

  5. Dear Miss Siswick,

    We looked at facts about St. Francis of Assisi: He had a lot of money. But after being sick he lived as a poor person. He gave all his money to the poor. He helped the poor people.

    Greetings from Nicolas

  6. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Nicolas. St. Vincent also gave up his money and helped the poor just like St. Francis.

  7. Mrs Knowler says:

    I am having trouble deciding as there are so many to choose from. I have looked at St Stephen of Hungary as his Saint’s Day is on my birthday. He build lots of monasteries. I like St George, St Valentine and St Nicolas but I think my favourite is St Vitus. He is the Patron Saint of entertainers.
    I am looking forward to reading all about yours later.

  8. Good Morning Miss Siswick,

    I have been learning this morning (with Saoirse) about St Nicholas and St Francis. St Nicholas is the Patron Saint of Children. He gave secret presents to people, that’s why some people think of him at Christmas. He was very kind. His feast day is the 6th December and he was Greek.
    St Francis is the Patron Saint of animals, the environment and Italy. He made the sick animals better and looked after the lost animals. He wanted to keep our planet nice. His feast day is the 4th October and he was Italian.

  9. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Fiadh. You found out lots of facts about two saints.

  10. We researched St.Edward the Confessor because my brother is also called Edward!
    He built a “very big church” called St Peter’s at Westminster. He has a “ring in his hand and he looks happy, he also has a crown” (in the picture).
    “He was born a very long time ago”.
    “His feast day is in October. My brother Edward’s birthday is also in October”.

  11. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Grace. You found out lots about St. Edward the confessor. I wonder if Eddie was named after him?

  12. I found St Philip. He makes people happy! With happiness.

  13. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Philip. St. Philip was a disciple, one of Jesus’ special friends.

  14. Caspian was learning about St.Joseph and his role as a saint and watched short video about St Joseph and the virgin Mary and the birth of our lord Jesus Christ.

  15. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Caspian. Which of the teachers was St. Joseph on Book Day?

  16. Hello Miss Siswick

    Mother Teresa of Calcutta
    she helped poor and sick people like Jesus.

  17. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Ania. We had an assembly about Mother Teresa at school recently.

  18. Mrs Knowler is Joseph (there is a Joseph in my class.)
    Miss Siswick is Mary, Jesus’ mummy and Mrs Rekkas is the angel.

  19. Miss Siswick says:

    That’s right, Joey. I was St. Mary, Mrs Knowler was St. Joseph and Mrs Rekkas was St. Gabriel.
    There are actually two boys called Joseph in our class. Have you forgotten who the other one is?

  20. Mrs Rekkas says:

    Well done Nursery, you are so good!

  21. Hello, I learnt about St Paul. His name was Saul before he was baptised. He went to Greece, Italy and Spain. he is a very important Saint.

  22. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Adelaide. St. Paul was a very important saint who spread the good news about Jesus around the world.

  23. Dear all,
    Today I learnt about St Anthony of Padua with the help of my sister. Anthony of Padua was a friar and he is considered a saint of lost or stolen items. I learnt that he had a book of sacred songs in which he wrote things. A young priest who was living next to him decided to leave the church and he stole Anthony’s book. Anthony prayed a lot for it to be returned. Time past and the missing young priest came back to the church and returned Anthony’s book. This was a miracle. People still pray to Anthony when they loose something. Some of them get their things back.

  24. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Anna. I have heard that lots of people in Ireland pray to St. Anthony whenever they lose something.

  25. Mrs Knowler says:

    I have really enjoyed reading a about the saints. I have learnt so much that I never knew. You must have been using the Internet and information books really well. No one mentioned St Vincent de Paul. Maybe because we thought everyone would say him. He was a very good man that helped lots of poor people and the needy.

  26. Gabriel chose St Michael, like daddy’s name.
    St Michael is a super angel, he is the king of the angels. He is a soldier angel, he kills a dragon even with his sword!

  27. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Gabriel. You found out about St. Michael the archangel. I thought you might choose St. Gabriel to learn about!

  28. Good morning Miss Siswick
    Caspian was not sure which teacher was St. Joseph on the book day but after a small conversation he said Mrs knowler because she is wearing the dark dress.

  29. Miss Siswick says:

    That’s right, Caspian!

  30. Mrs Knowler says:

    And how attractive I look too!!!

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