Dear Year 5,

The internet is a great tool but it is important that you remember to keep safe during your time online.

Please click this link for a reminder on how to be SMART online:

Please then answer the following questions in the comment section:

To keep safe online, what information should you not post online?
If a friend/ sibling was worried about something that happened online, who could they talk to?
Describe three things you and your friends can do to stay safe when they’re using the internet?

Please proof-read your response before submitting (check punctuation, spelling and grammar).

We look forward to reading your comments.

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson

11 comments on “Online Safety 24.3.20

  1. Hello Mrs Avdiu! To keep myself and my family safe I should not post my name, age,where I live and passwords to anything.If one of my friends or family were feeling worried or unsure about something online they could talk to a teacher, parent or any trusted adult. A thing that I could do with my friends could be not to give away any private information about who we are. Another thing I could do with my friends is if we find anyone trying to make us buy something we could not click on it because it may be a trap which could lead to our parents bank accounts being hacked. One other thing we could do is that we could always talk to someone if something is worrying us or we don’t know what to do.

  2. Answer …
    In order to keep safe online you must remember to not give out any private information such as your address , telephone number or if you are using a site and you have a password do not give it to them !
    If a friend / sibling is worried about something online you must tell a responsible adult ( eg . whoever you live with ) . If you think you have posted something private or personal you MUST tell a responsible adult because nothing bad can come from telling the truth .

    Three things you can do to keep safe online with friends or if you are by yourself :

    . go on a kid ‘s search engine like Kidtopia , Kiddle or Kidrex ( there are many more )
    . if you see anything which looks a bit dodgy or inappropriate inform your parents and they can file a report
    . if you want to be extra safe download something like Hector the Protector which hides the screen with a nice image when you see something inappropriate all you have to do is press it .

  3. 1. You should not share your home address, a picture of you or your family, the school you go to and passwords.

    2. You can go to your parents, teachers or an trusted adult if you are worried about something online.

    3. Do not click on wikipedia, don’t go on websites that have a lot of adverts and download hector the screen protecter.

  4. If a friend / sibling is worried about something online you must tell a responsible adult ( eg . whoever you live with ) . If you think you have posted something private or personal you MUST tell a responsible adult because nothing bad can come from telling the truth .

    Three things you can do to keep safe online with friends or if you are by yourself :

    . go on a kid ‘s search engine like Kidtopia , Kiddle or Kidrex ( there are many more )
    . if you see anything which looks a bit dodgy or inappropriate inform your parents and they can file a report
    . if you want to be extra safe download something like Hector the Protector which hides the screen with a nice image when you see something inappropriate all you have to do is press it .

  5. In order to keep safe online, you shouldn’t give out private information about yourself (e.g. your address, telephone number, your name and age) If a friend or a sibling are worried about something online, you must tell a responsible adult (e.g. a teacher, your mum or dad e.t.c)

    Three things you and your friends should do to keep safe online:
    . Use kid websites such as kidsites, kidrex, kiddle
    . If you see something that is inappropriate talk to a trusted adult
    .If you see something online that you know you shouldn’t be looking at don’t keep it to yourself

    By the way,If anyone wants to keep fit whilst they are at home, I would recommend Joe the P.E coach. He does live sessions on his YouTube channel at 9:00am to 9:30am. If you are busy at that time you can always go back to his channel and do the workouts.

  6. Hello Mrs Avdiu and Robertson ,

    How to keep safe online:

    1- Do not share your address , name or password .
    2- Do not share private photos of you and your family
    3- Ask a parent or a trusted adult if some thing is wrong .
    4-You could download Hector , it will hide the screen .
    5-Go on Kid Rex ( there are much more . ) is for Kids to search .
    6- Do not share any private information .
    7-If there is anybody making you buy anything, show it to an adult because it could lead to your parents bank and hack it .

  7. Hi Everyone!
    The way that I keep my family safe online is that I do not post anything that says my family’s address phone number or any personal details.
    The way I keep myself safe online it that I do not say my name or my age and I do not share were I live or what school I am in that way I am protecting everyone in the school and keeping my family and everyone safe online.

  8. Sebastiao says:

    To keep safe while using the Internet, you should never share any passwords, personal details, your address or photos of yourself. If you see anything worrying on the Internet you should always tell a parent or guardian or block the person who is sending you the worrying thing.

  9. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your very useful tips on how to stay safe online! It’s really important that we adhere to this advice so that we can be safe while using the internet.

  10. Mrs Lynch says:

    Hello year 5 it’s Mrs Lynch here,
    I am so impressed at how sensible you all are. I have been reading all of your posts. When I was your age we didn’t have anything like this to communicate I would have had to write a letter to my friends so it’s really interesting and I will let you into a secret this is the first time I have ever written on a blog. So I am learning too.
    Take csre and hopefully we will all be back at St Vincents soon x

  11. To be safe online we must use the SMART acronym.

    Safe – when we are online we should stay safe and not tell strangers our personal information.
    Meet – we shouldn’t agree to meet people online.
    Accepting – online you shouldn’t just click on things because they might contain a virus.
    Reliable – you cannot trust everything you see online so check multiple websites or books first.
    Tell – if you are unsure about something online tell a trusted adult or if it’s really bad contact Childline.

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