While you’re working at home, you’ll be doing a lot of work on the computer and it is important to stay safe and be sensible while using the computer.

I think the most important rule is that you know who your trusted adults are so that if anything happens that you are unsure about, you can talk to them straight away.

Have a look at the Thinkuknow website for games and activities.

Visit the school Online Safety page with your parents to find out more.

What are some other important rules we need to follow when we are using the internet on any device? And why are these rules important? Can you give your friends some good advice?


6 comments on “Online Safety

  1. On the internet you should not post mean comments. You should treat people like you would in real life.

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    I completely agree, it can be easy to think you can behave differently online, but we must treat people kindly like we do in real life.

    I wonder if anyone else has any ideas?

  3. You should not click on things that you don’t know what will happen because it may be something you don’t like.

  4. That’s right twini?‍♀️? if you accidentally ?‍♂️click something you should tell an adult ???‍???‍? (like a teacher ??‍? or a parent????‍???‍??‍?‍?‍? ). Be careful online please!!??

  5. Sophie Ma says:

    It is important to not talk to strangers and don’t be mean to others on the internet. Also, you must not give any personal information to people you don’t know. Lastly, you should not meet up with people you don’t trust.

  6. Some very good points there Sophie. It’s very important not to give any personal information.

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