As part of today’s online learning, it would be great to remind ourselves how to keep safe online.

We will be using computers and electronic devices more often over the coming weeks so it is important that we use them safely.

Can you write 10 golden rules that we must follow in order to stay safe online?

Think about things like passwords, safer search engines (for example and information that we must never give away online.

I wonder who will be the first to write 10 golden rules

20 comments on “PSHE – Online Safety (Tuesday 24th March 2020)

  1. 1. If someone says something mean or not appropriate, ask help from an adult.
    2. Always check age restrictions.
    3. Do not reply to emails if you do not know who it is from.
    4. Create a safe password.
    5. Do not talk to strangers in any games.
    6. Always check with an adult before getting a new game.
    7. Always check with an adult before getting a new app.
    8. Do not send pictures to anybody.
    9. Do not send personal information to anybody.
    10. Always ask an adult if you are not comfortable with a website that appears on your computer.

  2. Well done Rafael ?
    Some very important rules!

  3. 1. Always tell an adult before you go online.
    2. Make sure that the age group is appropriate.
    3. Make sure your privacy settings are on.
    4. Only allow your friends or family to be friends online.
    5. Make sure you have strong passwords.
    6. Don’t tell anybody your personal details.
    7. Never chat to strangers.
    8. Don’t buy anything online without permission.
    9. Dont bully any people online.
    10. Always be kind.

  4. These are very sensible and clear rules to follow! Well done Albert ?

  5. 1.) Do not talk to people you do not know.

    You shouldn’t talk to people you don’t know because you don’t know who is behind the screen. Ask a trusted adult if you want to talk to someone (even if you know them).

    2.) Report any sort of harassment , trolling , or inappropriate behaviour on a game.

    If anyone, and I mean anybody, is trolling you or being rude in any way, block them and if you can’t… You should tell in adult because they know more than us.. (that is unless.. you’re Albert Einstein)!

    3.) Do not tell anyone any private information.

    This is very important because if you did, you’d be putting others in danger as well as yourself! It’s so important to keep you’re real life identity hidden and just use your online identity! ( Tip: try and come with a stage name that your friends call you in a game, Trey or Sarah etc..)

    4.) Ask you’re parent before installing an app or a browser extension.

    Some apps or browser extensions have a virus. If your Computer, IPad or IPhone had a virus it could slow it down or break it. That is why adults are shocked by technology today. They want to make sure all of us are okay and well so that we can have the best childhood we could possibly have! ( Tip: It’s best to download a few apps so that your device doesn’t slow down or drain battery fast!)

    5.) Always follow the rules and respect people and their privacy.

    It’s important to follow rules because most websites tell you to stop online bullying or harassment but YOU have to follow the rules as well! It only takes one person to spoil the fun and you have to make sure you’re NOT that person! (Tip: If someone is annoying you or being mean just leave the game! Don’t argue because you’ll be wasting you’re energy on something that is not worth the time! Just say sorry even if it wasn’t your fault because at St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School we forgive and forget!)

  6. Wow! Very detailed, well done Aisha! ?

  7. 1. Ask for permission to buy anything.
    2. Tell an adult if you are being bullied.
    3. Check if the age group is appropriate.
    4. Tell an adult before you go online.
    5. Never forget your password.
    6. Don’t tell anyone your information.
    7. If you see or hear anything weird, contact a parent or guardian.
    8. Don’t chat with strangers.
    9. Don’t bully anyone online.
    10. Only use appropriate websites for your age group.

  8. Some crucial rules we must all follow! Well done Holly ?

  9. 1) Ask for permission to buy anything.
    2) Only use age appropriate apps and websites
    3) Ask for permission to tap something.
    4) Don’t tell someone your personal information.
    5) Don’t chat with strangers.
    6) If you are being treated badly tell an adult/guardian and, if you can, block them.
    7) If you find out that a bug/glitch/virus is in your computer, tell an adult.
    8) Let an adult know when you go online.
    9) Create a good password.
    10) Don’t bully anyone else.

  10. Well done Vincent ?
    Some important golden rules to help us to stay safe online!

  11. 1. Never go on any computer without permission from an adult.
    2. If you read or see something that someone has posted to you inappropriately, always tell an adult immediately.
    3. Do not give out your personal information.
    4. Never talk to people you do not know.
    5. Always follow the rules and respect people’s privacy.
    6. Check to see if the website you want to use is age appropriate.
    7. Always keep your password safe.
    8. Never bully anyone online.
    9. Never send inappropriate pictures.
    10. Make sure that you take regular breaks from your device.

  12. Fantastic Ciana ?
    All of these rules will help us to use the internet safely!

  13. Tijne Reek says:

    1. Don’t tell anyone your password
    2. If something weird or bad comes up on your screen, tell a trusted adult
    3. Do not share any personal information
    4. Do not talk badly about others
    5. Ask permission from an adult first before you start using a computer
    6. Do not use the computer for too long, so take regular breaks
    7. Do not share your age or where you live
    8. Do not write anything that you might regret later
    9. Use searching engines mindful and carefully.
    10. Be aware that everything you put online will stay there forever

  14. 1)Always tell an adult!

    It’s very important to tell an adult if there is an option to choose or if something or someone (a stranger)tells you to do something. If there’s a problem online you’re not big enough to solve it so you MUST TELL AN ADULT!
    If someone tells you “Oh, I am Neymar a very talented football player and I-have a lot of money.Tell me your address,I’LL COME AND VISIT!” Don’t Tell him your address. He might not be the person you think he is.

    2)Tell an adult if someone bullies you!

    Bullying is not a very good thing.It will hurt other people’s feelings so, if someone does it to you, you have to tell an adult!
    Adults solve loads of problems.

  15. 3)Do not be a bully

    When you bully online we call that cyber bullying.
    This is really not good either, it is practically the same though cyber bullying is online and if it isn’t there are different types where it can be.
    This is just saying rude stuff again and again. When you do this it doesn’t do any better in the inside of your body, it actually makes it worse.JUST DON’T BULLY!
    No one can feel better by receiving this or doing this.

    4)Check to see if the website you are gonna use is age appropriate!

    It is very important to know that the website that you want to use is appropriate. This means that if you are playing Roblox and you are
    9 or 8 your not aloud. It is there for a reason, people that choose this don’t want to do this to annoy you it’s there for your own safety.
    Follow rules and don’t lie about your age.

    5)Tell a trusted adult that you’re going online.

    An adult has to know you’re going online to keep an eye on you .


  16. Tijne, it won’t let me reply to your answer but well done ? some very important rules to follow!

    Stella, you have explained your rules in so much detail! These are very clear and important rules to follow, well done ?

  17. 1. Never go wondering into ads from any site of any sort, even apps you know well
    2. Don’t play an online game with others you don’t know. This could lead to online bullying or hacking.
    3. Don’t do or play anything that seems inappropriate without permission from an adult.
    4. If anyone asks your location or anything private or inappropriate, never say the answer to their question nor ignore them, you should tell an adult or report their words right away.
    5. Always keep your own information to yourself, and, even if your friend on a game asks you, you NEVER share your location, password or email address.
    6. If someone says to you “You’re a loser at this game!!!” the first thing to cross out on your list of things to say if someone says something mean to you is to say something rude back at them. What you should do is tell an adult and block them.
    7. Do not post any picture of your friends or family on social media without their permission.
    8. Always tell your mum and dad if you want pictures of you on social media or not before they post anything of you.
    9. When you’re 13 or under you shouldn’t have any social media account but you can watch or read these sorts of things with supervision of your mum or dad.
    10. Most importantly,

    HAVE FUN!!!!

  18. Some great golden rules to follow, well done Lucy ? and yes it is important to remember to have fun, the internet can be a great thing if we use it safely, responsibly and remember to only use electronic devices a small amount!

  19. Miss Coleman says:

    Dear Year 4,
    I am so impressed with your Online Safety knowledge -and it’s so important when we are using technology more for our learning. Well done! Maybe you could put some of these ideas on a poster and then ask your parents to email a photograph of the poster to the office to be displayed on the Blog.
    Take care, Miss Coleman
    P.S. It’s good to see you joining in from Australia Lucy!

  20. Thank you Miss Coleman,
    I am very proud of them all!
    A great idea, I hope we see some colourful posters!
    Miss Lee

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