Daily SPaG Activity

What is an adverbial?

An adverbial is an adverb, phrase or clause used to add information to a verb.
An adverbial tells you where, when, how often, how long  or how much something happens.

For example:

We caught the bus yesterday.

I drive past the school carefully every day.

It will me take all morning to clean the car.

An adverbial can be a ‘fronted adverbial:
Yesterday, we caught the bus.

Carefully, I drive past the school every day.

Every day, I drive by the school carefully.

Watch this video for further explanation:


Can you write some sentences using fronted adverbials?

Challenge yourself and see if you can write a whole paragraph which includes fronted adverbials and is cohesive.

You can complete this task on the blog so that we can all read each other’s writing.

I look forward to reading your work!

27 comments on “SPaG Questions 24/03/20

  1. Yesterday, I watched an amazing movie. It was all about how these two girls got lost in a different dimension! Eventually they found their way home. After a short while, we all went to a restaurant where we all had the most yummy food.

    Thank you for reading my paragraph.

  2. A great paragraph! There is a comma missing, can you spot where it should be and rewrite the sentence with the comma in place?
    Thank you, from Miss Lee 🙂

  3. 1.) In an instant, the car crashed into a hill.
    2.) Yesterday, I won a trophy at a football competition.
    3.) In the morning, I went to the cinema.
    4.) The dog crossed the road, quickly.
    5.) I ran as fast as possible to win the race. In the blink of an eye, I won!

  4. Super sentences, Martin! Can you check sentence number 4? Make sure the adverb is at the front to make it a fronted adverbial.
    Thank you, From Miss Lee 🙂

  5. 1. Earlier this morning, I baked scones with my mum.
    2. Later that day, I went to the cinema with my friends.
    3. Neatly, I arranged my things into one big pile.
    4. Carefully, I picked up the rock.
    5. Sometimes, I go shopping in the mall.
    6. Over there, I could see one big lighthouse.
    7. Often, I doodle and draw.

  6. Well done Clare!✨
    Great sentences using a variety of fronted adverbials!

  7. Eventually, they found their way home.

  8. Well done! ??

  9. 1. Suddenly, I got hit by a ball.
    2. Eventually, the movie was over.
    3. Swiftly, the cheetah ran across the area of a football field in 8 seconds.
    4. Instantly, the snake jumped out of the tree.
    5. Slowly, the sloth reached out to get another leaf to eat.

  10. Fantastic sentences! I like the one about the sloth! ?

  11. Earlier this morning, my mum made pancakes. After breakfast, we did our running workout for 30 minutes. Currently, I am doing my school work for my favourite teacher.

  12. Excellent sentences Ajay! ?

  13. With bated breath, I added the finishing touches to my painting in fear of messing it up.

    After a while, we decorated the cupcakes.
    Without warning, Dad came in and drizzled chocolate sauce.

    At dusk we had dinner.

  14. These are fabulous sentences Emilie! ?
    There is a comma missing somewhere. Can you find the sentence and rewrite it with the comma in place?

  15. Slowly, I licked the dripping ice cream off my ice cream cone. I tasted the delicious flavour of my favourite ice cream, cookie dough (yum, yum).

  16. Well done Amarissa ?

  17. Sam rushed to Hospital, to get his medicine.
    He was surprised, to see that they sold his medicine in abundance.
    In order to get to the Hospital quickly, Sam has to run across a barren land and through a derelict building.

  18. You have used some fantastic vocabulary in your sentences, well done! Can you check your second sentence and edit it so that it begins with a fronted adverbial?

  19. Carefully, I drew a picture

  20. Good sentence!
    There is something missing from your sentence. Can you spot what it is and rewrite it?

  21. Early in the morning on Monday, mum and I had to wash the car. It took us about an hour. After a short break, we went into the garden and saw a spider. At first I was a bit scared, but I took the time to get over my fear and was there watching it for about 15 minutes! Yesterday, we went down to the garden and unfortunately the spider was gone! Curiously, we stood there for quite a while wondering what happened to it. Eventually, mum suggested that maybe a bird flew down and grabbed it in it’s beak or a possum climbed up and destroyed the web.

  22. Fantastic sentences Lucy! Well done! 😀
    I wonder what happened to the spider?

  23. 1. Carefully, I did my homework.
    2. Quickly I finished the book I was reading.
    3. Every day, I eat breakfast at 08:00.
    4. Yesterday, I went to bed at 21:00.
    5. Usually, I eat lunch at 13:00.

  24. Super sentences Clara! 🙂
    One of your sentences has a comma missing, can you spot which one and rewrite it?

  25. Recently, it was my birthday and I had a marvelous meal.Guess what,then I had my delightful desert which was a scrumptious birthday cake ???

    Slowly and nervously Charlie twisted the handle of Willie Wonka’s chocolate ? factory.Astonishingly,Charlie saw a humongous building as huge as two bukingampalaces on top of each other.

  26. Great fronted adverbials Stella!

  27. Last year, I went skiing with my family.

    Today, I was late for school.

    This morning, my mother baked pancakes for at least 15 minutes.

    While I was doing my school work, my mum was baking madeleines and I could smell them from my room.

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