Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Task

Click HERE for a printable version of this task

Good morning Year 3, I hope you are all feeling okay today. For our PSHE task last week, we explored our feelings and deepened our understanding of good and not so good feelings. You made some excellent posters to encourage others if they were feeling sad.

Today’s focus:

                                                                                            We are going to explore how we can keep our bodies healthy and safe. There are many factors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Some of the choices we make may impact on our health and well-being.

Task 1
Before we read some information about how we can keep our bodies healthy and stay safe I would like you to complete the first task.

Draw a line down the middle of your page (in your homework book).On one side draw a picture of what you think a healthy person looks like. Add some words and phrases to describe things the person might do to stay healthy.

Next, on the other side of your page, draw a person who is not so healthy. Again, add words and phrases to describe things the person might or might not do.

Task 2

Watch the video below which tells us how we can keep our bodies healthy and safe.



Task 3 (Extension)

Healthy Goals
Use the sentence templates below to think of your own healthy goals you would like to make.

-I know that I am keeping myself healthy when I…

– I know I need to do… more often.

– I know I need to do…less often.

You can post your goals on the blog or you may like to make a poster for yourself to help remind you of your goals!


Good luck, I look forward to seeing all of your work to show your understanding of keeping your bodies healthy and safe!

35 comments on “PSHE Task – 15.6.20

  1. Clémence says:

    Hello Miss Jones, this is my extension
    I know I am keeping myself healthy when I climb trees.
    I need to do cycling more often.
    I need to stay inside less often.

    I enjoyed the task today it was fun
    I will send a photo of my work for task 1

  2. I have done the work,
    I liked the video!

  3. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Ophelia 🙂

  4. Hello Miss Jones.
    I know I am keeping myself healthy when I cycle, run and walk.
    I know I need to do more exercises.
    I know I need to do less unhealthy eating.

  5. Miss Jones says:

    Well thought through Matthias, it is good to set ourselves some goals.

  6. Hi miss I hope you’re okay!
    I know I am keeping myself healthy by exercising, being outdoors and having a healthy diet.
    I have to be outdoors more often and stay less indoors.

  7. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks Reuben, I am well thanks.
    Good answers! Time outdoors is definitely good for our health 🙂

  8. I have done the work! Have a good day!

  9. Task 3
    I know that I am keeping myself healthy when I eat all my fruits and vegetables.
    I know I need to do more exercise more often.
    I know that I need to eat more sweets less often.

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Eugenia, it would be great to see your work if you can upload a picture 🙂

  11. I know that I am keeping myself healthy when I do lots of exercising eat veagdeadels and fruits.

    I know I need to do homework more often to keep being normal.

    I know I need to fall over less often.

  12. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Patrick, completing our jobs each day definitely keeps our brain healthy.

  13. Health
    I know I am keeping myself healthy when I eat a balance of food every day.
    I know I need to go outside more often.
    I know I need to sit on the couch whiles watching tv less often.

  14. Miss Jones says:

    You have some really good goals Chloe K, these will definitely keep you active and healthy.

  15. I’ve done my PSHE work, here are some words for a healthy person and a unhealthy person.
    Unhealthy: Don’t go to the gym, eat a lot of sweets and don’t have exercise.
    Healthy: Go to the gym, don’t have a lot of junk food and have about an hour of exercise.

  16. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Ethan, it is important to stay as healthy as we can!

  17. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Chloe H, I can see you have written down about what foods are good for us and how they can keep us healthy. 🙂

  18. Miss Jones says:

    Great poster Clemence, well done for adding in some sentences too about healthy and unhealthy.

  19. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Emi, you have made a good comparison of a healthy and unhealthy person!

  20. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Helena, you have included important things that make us healthy or unhealthy in your poster.

  21. Miss Jones says:

    Good poster Matthias, it is really important to keep healthy by drinking lots of water.

  22. Karolina says:

    I know that I care about my health when I eat healthy things, such as fruit and vegetables ????.

    I know I have to do more sports exercises ?‍♀️.

    I know I need to watch less, TV ?.

  23. Miss Jones says:

    You have reflected well on how to stay healthy Karolina, well done 🙂

  24. I know I am keeping myself healthy by exercising, being outside and have a little run and some fresh air

  25. Miss Jones says:

    Good idea Jiana 🙂

  26. Mrs Casey says:

    It was so lovely to see you all this afternoon YR 3, looking very healthy with all the exercises, cycling and roller skating you have been doing in the park! I am very much looking forward to seeing you again next week??

  27. Gabriella says:

    Hi miss I have done the drawing and I don’t know how to send it on the blog.

  28. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Gabriella, click on the link above and you can upload it here.

  29. Miss Jones says:

    Super poster Karolina well done, it is very neat and clear your information about healthy foods.

  30. Miss Jones says:

    Hi Penelope, your file didn’t upload properly, please upload again if you would like me to see you work, thank you! 🙂

  31. Penelope says:

    hello Miss , I have just sent it again. thank you

  32. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks Penelope, super poster comparing healthy and unhealthy lifestyles.

  33. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Eugenia, you have reflected well on what makes us heathy and unhealthy.

  34. I know that I am very healthy because I do a 6 kilometre run with my brother every 2 days and I collapse at the end of the race and I play football.

  35. Miss Jones says:

    That’s lots of exercise Patrick, well done!

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