Good Morning, Reception.

Our new topic is Traditional Tales. These are also called Fairy tales.

Can you tell us about a traditional tale that you already know?

What is the traditional tale called?
Where does it happen?
Who is in the story?
What are they like?
Do you like the story?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Love from Miss Siswick.

P.S. Here are some photos from our Traditional Tales assembly last year to give you some ideas!


24 comments on “Reception Topic: Traditional Tales

  1. Ms O'Connell says:

    Hi favourite topic is Traditional Tales.
    The Little Red Hen is one of my favourites…? Look forward to reading your comments .

  2. Good morning Miss,
    My favourite traditional tale is Goldilocks and three bears. It happen in the woods in the little cottage where bear family was living. Main characters in the story are Goldilocks, mummy bear, baby bear, daddy bear.
    Goldilocks was kind, shy.
    Mummy bear and daddy bear was scary.
    Baby bear was cute.
    I like this story because is teaches us how to be kind.

  3. The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
    The story happens on a mountain.
    Three goats and one troll.
    The troll is scary. Two goats are scared and one is brave.
    Yes I like it because the big goat fighted the troll.

  4. Cinderella.

    Where – It happens in the castle and the house.

    Who – Cinderella, the fairy godmother, the bad sister and the prince

    I like the story because it got a princess in it.

    What – Cinderella is nice. The fairy godmother is happy. The bad sisters are bad, they make Cinderella do all the cleaning. The Prince he is very nice.

  5. I like the Three Little Pigs. There is also a big, bad wolf who tries to trick the pigs and eat them. I don’t like the pigs because they are pink but I don’t want the wolf to eat them. I like the story because the pigs do not get eaten.

  6. God morning Miss. Ruby-Mae favourite Traditional tales is The gingerbread man. In the story the made a gingerbread man and they try to eat the gingerbread man. The was a fox to eat him, the fox eat the gingerbread man but the fox sneeze and the gingerbread man came out. The was a cow who try to catch the gingerbread man but the gingerbread man was to fast. The gingerbread man saw a pig who try to catch him but the gingerbread man was to fast, and the was a chicken who try to catch the gingerbread man but he was to fast. The gingerbread man run fast fast fast. The characters are naughty because they want to eat the gingerbread man. I like this story because the try to catch him but they couldn’t.

  7. Madeleine ?? says:

    I like the sleeping beauty
    It happens in a castle ?
    My favourite character is Aurora ?
    She is a princess and a bad witch ?‍♀️ made her prick her finger and then she falls asleep.
    A prince came to kiss her then she woke up.
    Then they marry each other’s
    I like the story because Aurora is beautiful and I like her pink ?.

  8. Ambers favourite is Rapunzel

    Rapunzel is in the tower

    Rapunzel likes playing with her pet lizard (??)

    The prince is good, he gets Rapunzel out if the tower

    The witch- the witch is bad, she put Rapunzel in the tower.

    Amber likes the story because she likes Rapunzels long hair

  9. I like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.
    It happens in the forest & the Bear’s cottage.
    Goldilocks is very nice but the 3 Bears are grumpy.
    I like it because it’s a bit like solving a crime.

  10. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Reception. I am really enjoying hearing about all of the traditional tales that you already know.

  11. My favourite fairy tale is the Three Little Pigs ? ?? – ?.
    It is about three pigs and a wolf. The wolf wants to eat the pigs and is very bad. It is why his name is the big bad wolf.
    The three pigs build 3 houses in different materials. The first pig used straw, the second pig wood sticks and the third pig bricks ?.
    I like this story because the big bad wolf is blowing the house of straw and the house of sticks but not the house of bricks!

  12. I like Rapunzel. She is in a castle and her unkind mother said ‘don’t go out’. She gets out by her hair because she wanted to see her kind mother. I like Rapunzel because she’s got long hair and she’s brave and nice. It is a happy ending.

  13. My favourite Three Billy Goats Gruff.

    It takes place on a bridge and a meadow. It has three billy goats and a troll. The billy goats are good but very hungry and clever. They need to cross the bridge to eat the grass on the meadow. The troll is a baddie and doesn’t like to share the bridge. The billy goats trick him and cross the bridge.

    I like the story because it has a bridge and I like bridges

  14. Good afternoon Miss.
    My favourite fairy tale is The Boy who Cried Wolf.
    This fairy tale happened in a village.
    There was a shepherd boy named Rufus.
    I like this story.
    This story tells us you can’t lie.

  15. Hi! My Fairy tale is Hansel and Gretel.

    The story happens in the woods.

    The main people in the story are:

    the Father is good
    Hansel and Gretel are hungry
    the mean Aunty is horrible
    the Wicked Witch is cunning.

    I like the story because the children have 3 good plans:
    1. to leave a trail of bread to find their way home
    2. to trick the witch by using a bone to pretend it is Hansel’s finger
    3. to push the wicked witch in the oven.

    I really loved being Prince Charming in our assembly last year!

  16. Good afternoon Miss Siswick
    I love the little red riding hood, the 3 pigs and the wolf,
    I dressed it at school for the assembly and loved it .it is always an happy ending and the wolf never win.

  17. Good afternoon Miss Siswick,
    I like The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
    It happens in the middle of the hill.
    There is the little goat, the medium goat and the biggest goat. And the troll.
    The goats like to eat grass and the troll likes to eat goats!
    I like the story because the big goat pushes the troll in the water.

  18. Mrs Knowler says:

    Look at those gorgeous pictures. What a great assembly that was. My favourite traditional tale is Rumplestiltskin. I like it when he gets really angry at the end, he looks so funny.

  19. Ms O'Connell says:

    Loved reading all of your comments and descriptions..well done everyone.

  20. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Reception. You have shared so many traditional tales today.
    You could read each other’s comments to see if someone talks about a tale that you don’t know yet/so well. Then, see if you have that story in a book or look for it on the internet.

  21. Great photos!

    Jack and the Beanstalk.

    The story is about a boy called Jack who has to sell his cow because he was very poor and he needed money. But Jack sold his cow to a man for magic beans. His mother was very cross and threw the beans out of the window. Then a giant beanstalk was made. Jack climbed the beanstalk and stole gold, a golden chicken and a harp. Jack chopped down the beanstalk to stop the ogre rushing down the beanstalk to get him. The story made be feel excited and I was happy because Jack and his mummy lived happily ever after

  22. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Mikey. Did you enjoy Mrs Knowler reading this on the Nursery blog? It’s her favourite too!

  23. What is the traditional tale called?
    It is called “the blue dog”.
    Where does it happen?
    It happens in a forest.
    Who is in the story?
    Charlotte is the little girl and the dog and her parents.
    What are they like?
    Charlotte is black haired and she is five years old. The dog is blue, big and kind.
    Do you like the story ?
    Because the dog is kind and became Charlotte’s best friend!

  24. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done for talking about the story, Paola.
    I don’t think that this is a traditional tale though.
    Do you know any traditional tales* such as ‘Goldilocks’?
    *In French they are called ‘Conte de fee’ if google translate has understood me correctly!

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