Good morning Year 5,

God gave Moses some commandments and rules for his people.  These helped the people to love God and live in peace with each other.

 In the Book of Deuteronomy 6: 4-9, which is part of the Torah, God gives his people a special reminder of their responsibility to love God. It is a prayer called the Shema.  It helps the Jewish people to focus on the day ahead and on the day that has just gone.  It is a commitment to belief.  It shows belief in God.  The Shema is recited twice a day by Jewish people and is a special prayer in the synagogue.  You will remember this from our Judaism topic:


Listen Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your souls and with all your might.

These words which I am commanding you today must remain in your heart.

Teach them to your children and speak of them when you are at home, when you are travelling on the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Tie these words as a sign on your hand; let them be a sign in the centre of your head.

Also write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6: 4-9

In this scripture below, Jesus is quoting from Deuteronomy:

Discuss these questions with someone at home or answer them in your Home Learning book:

Why do you think the Pharisees and scribes ask Jesus what commandment is the most important of all?

What do you think it means to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength?

What has Jesus added to the Shema and what difference does that make?

How do these two commandments given by Jesus sum up all the Ten Commandments?

How do you think these two commandments give you freedom and what is the responsibility?

Today’s task:

Could you create a piece of art which reflects this ‘Greatest Commandment’ – to love your neighbour? It could even be a person who lived out these two commandments (e.g.:  Saint Teresa of Kolcata, Pope Francis or someone you know). You can submit it via the Homework Uploader.

Extension: If you feel like doing some writing in addition to or instead of the art, think about the following and answer in the comments:

How do we love our neighbours as we love ourselves?

How do we love and care for ourselves well?

Tell us about a person who lived out these two commandments (e.g.:  Saint Teresa of Kolcata, Pope Francis or someone you know).

Good luck!

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson xx

Printer-friendly version: Religious Education 3 June

22 comments on “Religious Education – The Greatest Commandment

  1. Hello everyone I hope you are all ok I really enjoyed doing the art I am going to post it I hope you like it.

    Someone I think who loves there neighbor as they love themselves is my neighbor Caroline because she is always sooo nice and friendly and if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have Boo. Now every Monday and Wednesday she lets me take her little dog Boo out for a walk and I am sooo grateful because Boo is amazing and we have been doing this for about half-year now. The real reason I think she is so kind because if I was her I would not be brave enough to lend other people my dog even if I trusted them.

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    What a kind neighbour you have Claudia. I agree, she must be very kind and trusting to let other people walk her dog. I’m glad you get to take her out 🙂

  3. Good morning, can we use anything for the painting ? that reflects the greatest commandment?

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Absolutely 🙂 You can be as creative as you like!

  5. Ok, I am about to start the painting ?, it sounds fun.

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Can’t wait to see it 🙂

  7. Hi everyone.
    1. I think the Pharisees and scribes asked Jesus what was the most important commandment because maybe they decided that Christianity was real and they wanted to to become Catholic so they had to know the rules.
    2. I think it means that whatever happens even when unhappy things are happening God will always be there to love us so you should love him/her back the same love. Also I think it means God will be watching you, caring for you, giving you obstacles, so no matter what if you love God, nothing will stop you from going from Earth to Heaven.
    3.Jesus added to Shema to be kind, caring and generous etc, and to love your neighbour as much as you love yourself.
    4. These 2 commandments given by Jesus sum up all of the Ten commandments and most of them are about believing in God as well.
    5. I think these 2 commandments give you freedom and responsibility because it gives us responsibility about believing in God and Jesus.

  8. Hi everyone.
    1. I think the Pharisees and scribes asked Jesus what was the most important commandment because maybe they decided that Christianity was real and they wanted to to become Catholic so they had to know the rules.
    2. I think it means that whatever happens even when unhappy things are happening God will always be there to love us so you should love him/her back the same love. Also I think it means God will be watching you, caring for you, giving you obstacles, so no matter what if you love God, nothing will stop you from going from Earth to Heaven.
    3. Jesus added to Shema to be kind, caring and generous etc, and to love your neighbour as much as you love yourself.
    4. These 2 commandments given by Jesus sum up all of the Ten commandments and most of them are about believing in God as well.
    5. I think these 2 commandments give you freedom and responsibility because it gives us responsibility about believing in God and Jesus.

  9. Hi Everyone.
    1. I think the Pharisees and scribes asked Jesus what was the most important commandment because maybe they decided that Christianity was real and they wanted to to become Catholic so they had to know the rules.
    2. I think it means that whatever happens even when unhappy things are happening God will always be there to love us so you should love him/her back the same love. Also I think it means God will be watching you, caring for you, giving you obstacles, so no matter what if you love God, nothing will stop you from going from Earth to Heaven.
    3. Jesus added to Shema to be kind, caring and generous etc, and to love your neighbour as much as you love yourself.
    4. These two commandments given by Jesus sum up all of the Ten commandments and most of them are about believing in God as well.
    5. I think these two commandments give you freedom and responsibility because it gives us responsibility about believing in God and Jesus.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    It’s so important to remember these two commandments

  11. Hi everyone,
    Here is my work for today:

    I think that Nora, an elderly lady that we know, is a good neighbour because throughout lockdown she sends letters to make sure we are okay and a piece of poetry for my sisters and I. We used to see her in Paul’s for breakfast sometimes and she was a very nice lady who lives in Marylebone.
    My mum is also a good neighbour because since the beginning of lockdown she has done my neighbours shopping. When she does her food shopping she calls people who are elderly or who might need help in these difficult times. She checks that they are okay and offers to help them ;they might be lonely or they might need something from the shops but they are nervous to go out. She also makes me call people who are living on their own and might need company. We write lettters to people like my uncle who lives in Ireland on his own in the middle of no-where. This is what I think makes a good neighbour because they are loving and they put other people first.

    See you soon,

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    I completely agree Regan. These are both excellent examples of being a good neighbour because they both think about other people first and try to make others happy. You’re so lucky to have such great role models in your life 🙂

  13. I have just finished my art work; here is my work for the extension.

    1.) We love our neighbours as we love ourselves by respecting them and treating them as we treat ourselves and family. We also forgive them and comfort them when they need it, or help them in little ways each day.

    2.) We love and care for ourselves well by not getting angry at ourselves and forgiving and confessing so we will not have to live with the guilt of things we have done wrong. We also exercise so that we stay healthy because if we are physically ill that also makes us mentally ill.

  14. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wonderful answers! I agree that we have to treat everyone with respect and comfort.

  15. Hello everyone,
    Being a good neighbour during these tough times can mean doing elderly peoples shopping or writing letters to people who live on their own. My parents have been good neighbours during this time as we have been doing shopping for my nanny, our neighbour and my nannies friend. Regan, Orla and I have been good friends and neighbours to others as we have been writing letters to people who live on their own or are going through hard times.
    The weekly ‘Clap for Carers’ has been a lovely neighbourly thing to do as we haven’t seen much of each other recently but we able to wave from our windows.

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m so glad you wave to all your neighbours each week. I think you’ve go some lovely neighbours living near you and it’s wonderful that you can be a good neighbour as well.

  17. Hello everyone!!
    I am about to start my painted and I am really excited!!
    Have a nice day everyone!


    P.S. I will tell you when I have finished the painting 🙂

  18. Miss Carruthers says:

    I can’t wait to see it 🙂

  19. Hello miss I have finished my artwork!!
    Have a nice day! Bye ?

  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    Oh amazing! Please send it in so we can all see it 🙂

  21. *Jeanne* says:

    Hello everyone!
    I hope you have had a great day so far. Here are my answers for the R.E. questions:
    *I think the scribes and the Pharisees asked Jesus what he thought was the most important of all as they wanted to catch Jesus out and thought He wasn’t going to be able to answer.
    *I think “to love your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength” means to adore God, to be meaningful when you say your prayers, to devote yourself to Him and to thank and praise Him with a truly grateful heart.
    *Jesus has added “with all your mind and with all your strength”.
    This difference makes the commandment even more powerful and difficult to achieve.
    *These two commandments sum up all of the ten as the ten commandments all refer to loving, pleasing and respecting God and also to being kind, caring and loving to your friends, enemies and neighbors.
    *These two commandments give us freedom as they let us do good things around us and give us the freedom to make the good choice and to feel pleased about yourself afterwards. They also give us responsibility as we need to try our best to love others like ourselves, even maybe people that might have hurt you or your feelings.Also, it is hard to “love your God with all your mind ” as sometimes your mind is elsewhere at mass or during prayers because you are maybe bored or want to do something else.
    * We can love our neighbors like we love ourselves by being kind and compassionate to someone who is a bit down, forgiving your enemies and being nice to them as if nothing happened or helping your friends and classmates when they are in need.
    *We love and care for ourselves as well by not thinking we are useless or bad at everything. Also we can be careful to not hurt anyone’s feelings as sometimes you can feel really bad about it, regret your actions/words and think you are really mean.
    *I I know that Saint Teresa of Kolcata helped orphans, widows, the sick and poor people to be happy again and to have what they need. She was also very religious and helped everyone she could.

  22. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant answers Jeanne. You’ve clearly thought very carefully about this and have included lots of examples in your answers 🙂

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