Good morning Class 4!

Today we are going to continue our science topic – Living Things and their Habitats!

Previously, we have looked at what makes a thing living (remember MRS NERG) and natural habitats. Remember, when we say ‘living things’ we are talking about animals AND plants!

There are about nine million different types of living thing on Earth – and they are all named!

In fact around 98% of chimp genes (tiny parts in all your cells which give you certain characteristics, e.g. colour of eyes, and which can be passed on to the next generation) are the same as human genes, but there are obvious differences in appearance and behaviour. Can you think of some differences?

Chimps: more hairy, different shaped jaw & nose, move around on all 4 limbs, have longer arms & shorter legs.

Vertebrates are split again into fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Plants can be grouped into flowering and non-flowering (e.g. ferns & mosses) plants. Watch this short video clip to see how we classify animals:

A branching database or a dichotomous key are often used to sort and identify living things. See the examples below:

Your Task…

1.) Answer the following question on the blog:
– Why is it useful to classify living things?

2.) Then, create your own branching database or a dichotomous key to sort and identify the invertebrates in the picture below.

Use the two examples above the tasks to help you. Remember if you are drawing lines to use a ruler. If you would like to draw pictures of the invertebrates on your branching database or a dichotomous key you can!

Please ask if you need help!
I look forward to seeing your work!
From Miss Lee 🙂 



45 comments on “Science – Thursday 4th June 2020

  1. Hello miss lee, i have done my key and i will send you a pictures.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Great thank you!

  3. I wrote it in my home learning book.

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Wonderful! Please can you send a photo?

  5. Nina *?? says:

    Hello Miss Lee ,
    How are you?

    It is useful to classify things to understand the relationship between different organisms

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Nina, I am good thank you for asking, how are you?
    Good answer well done! I wonder if anyone in the class can explain further?

  7. Nina and Ella ??=/^_+*_*????????;):)^_~^_^^0^>:( says:

    Hello Miss Lee,
    we have DONe it in our books

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Great! Send in a photo if you can!

  9. Hello Miss Lee,
    It is useful to classify livings so we know their families and behaviour and to study them.

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Good ideas Martin, well done!

  11. Hi ? miss Lee,
    It is useful to classify living things so it is easier to study them.
    Thanks, Tijne

  12. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:

    Hello Miss Lee I have done my work.

  13. Miss Lee says:

    That is great, don’t forget to send in a photo of it and also answer the question on the blog!

  14. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Tijne, good idea! Why might we want to study living things?

  15. You can classify living things by putting them in categories like mammals,reptiles and anfibian

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Good answer Albert! Yes it is useful to sort animals into smaller groups!
    Are you back at football practise today?

  17. Hello miss Lee ?

    You can clarify living things so we know what they do and how they do it.

  18. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Ciana!
    Of course! A living thing can be any animal or plant. Anything that does all of the ‘MRS NERG’ processes (see the picture near the top of the blog’. It included anything living on ground or in the sea too!

  19. Yes I am back to football practise I’m very excited to see my freinds

  20. Miss Lee says:

    Great news! Have fun! You can tell us all about it on the blogs tomorrow!

  21. Raimundo says:

    Hello Miss Lee,
    We can classify livings so we know their families and behaviour and to study them.

  22. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Raimundo!
    Good answer! Why might we want to study living things?

  23. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    We need to classify the living things because we need to understand the difference between the living things. Living things all go in sections such as fish, reptiles, Mammals and much more.

  24. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Elisa! Good ideas!

  25. It is useful to classify a living thing what type of species it is

  26. Miss Lee says:

    Hi Alfred, please can you add a little more detail to your sentence? I am not quite sure what you mean. Thank you!

  27. I will send you my work miss Lee.

  28. Miss Lee says:

    Great thank you!

  29. It is important to classify animals so you can identify living things more easily.

  30. Miss Lee says:

    Well done William! Why might it be important to identify living things easily?

  31. Amarissa says:

    It is important to classify animals because of their organs and to identify living things more easily.

    I will send my homework in miss.

  32. Miss Lee says:

    Good answer Amarissa! Why do we need to identify living things?
    I look forward to seeing your work!

  33. Hello Miss Lee! I hope you are all safe ?.
    It is useful to classify animals because it’s easier to learn them and to better understand their similarities and differences.

  34. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Clare!
    Thank you, I hope you and your family a safe and well too!
    A great answer well done!

  35. Miss Lee says:

    William, thank you for sending in your work for task 2! It looks great, well done!

  36. 1. It makes it easier to describe all the types of different living thing.

    2. I finished the task.

  37. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Ajay! Can you send in a photo of task 2?

  38. Task 1:
    Why is it useful to classify living things?
    It is useful to classify living things to understand their behaviour, function, needs and characteristics. It will also help scientists when they discover new species.

    Task 2:
    I have sorted out the invertebrates and added some others to the list.

  39. Miss Lee says:

    Great answer for task 1 Sophie! Well done!
    Can you send in a photo of task 2?

  40. Dear Miss Lee,

    Classification helps to understand better how the world works.
    I sent an email with task 2 but would like to know how you would have classified them. Thank you

  41. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Paolo! Ooh thank you for asking, there are lots of different ways to classify them. You could ask if they have wings, if it has spots or you could think about their habitat and ask questions related to that too! I can draw my own one out and upload it onto the blog for you too see!

  42. So we understand their behaviour and their habitat.

  43. Miss Lee says:

    Good idea Rafael!

  44. Hello,

    If you forget about insects and you do want to start again the classification you can just look at your classification.

  45. Miss Lee says:

    Goo idea, thank you Louis!

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