This week, we will be celebrating St Vincent’s Book Day!

Books are such wonderful things! They can transport us to another world, make us feel any and every emotion and as well as help us to wind down and relax.

In Year 4 we really enjoy reading and reading is so very important:

We will be sharing our favourite books on this blog during this week to celebrate books and St. Vincent’s Book Day!

My personal favourite at the minute is Rabbit & Bear by Julian Gough which Mrs O’Neill and I have dressed up as! I love this book so much because it is laugh-out-loud funny and Rabbit’s moody personality is very entertaining. Most importantly, the book gives a very special message about the power of friendship and love. I rate it 10/10!

Now it’s your turn, tell us all about you favourite book! Write down the title, author and why you love this book in particular and give it a rating /10.

I can’t wait for us to share lots of ideas, you never know, you might find your new favourite book in the comments!

Happy reading!

11 comments on “St. Vincent’s Book Day Reading Blog

  1. Margaux Year 4 says:

    My favourite book is called The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer. This is my favourite book so far because it is full of adventures and it also makes me think I am in a different world! This book has inspired me and entertained me and I am glad I have read this book. So I give this rating 10/10 because it makes my brain smarter and I love the adventures. 😊

  2. Tomi year 4 says:

    My best books are the historical books,the astronomy books and the geography books.For me the historical books are 8/10 the astronomy books 10/10 and the geography books 9/10.I love that books because you can learn more about history you can learn more about astronomy and you can learn more about geography and you can be smart with that 3 books.

  3. Gabrielle says:

    Dear Mr Kersys,
    I have been reading Asterix and Obelix The Papyrus de Cesar by Jean Ferri and Didier Cornand. I would give it the rate 10/10. This story is about Cesar asking his servant to throw a chapter written on paper about his country having war against Gaul. A stranger takes it and brings it to Gaul so that the people living there can read it. A few weeks later, Cesar finds out that the Gauls have it so he starts getting angry as they are his enemies. They always start a battle and the Gauls win. Cesar asks the Gauls to give the papyrus back and he will promise to do what the Gauls want. This happens and the Gauls choose that the Romans will not be able to attack the village. The moral of this story is that peace is more important than anything. I can tell this because the Gauls chose that the Romans were not allowed to attack them any more.

  4. Gabrielle says:

    Dear Mr Kersys,
    In class I have been reading world worst witch.

    By:Jill Murphy.
    Tittle:World worst which and the first prize
    It’s the end of term and they are giving out the prizes and Mildred Hubble gets picked to be head of the girl.She then chooses Ethel to be deputy girl.

  5. Gabrielle says:

    Book title:The Explorer
    Author:Katherine Rundell
    One of my Best Friends gave it to me so it is very precious to me.
    Comment on the book: ‘A very exciting adventure story-I loved it.’ (Jaqueline Wilson)

    This story is set up in Brazil! The story starts when the main character (Fred) a boy only of a young age. The city is invaded so the child needs to leave the city like most of the other children. Despite a sad start to the story, the story gets exciting. Fred goes in an aeroplane boarded with other children. In the middle of the journey the plane runs out of diesel and the transport starts going down. It lands in the Amazon jungle. The children as I mentioned of a young age including a one year old have to survive. They have a fun time exploring the jungle …..
    Will they ever survive?
    Book rate:1000/10

    🌴 🦩

  6. My favourite type of books are non – fiction books about planes and extreme Earth. They are so interesting to read! I love learning facts from books. I give these types of books a 10/10.

  7. 22.3.2023
    book title:The book of positivity
    Author:Joanna Grey

    This book was all about positivity and how to be positive.There were quotes in the book that said positive words. One quote was “One word frees us all the weight and pain of life, that word is love.” This is my favourite quote because love is really important and it told me how to be positive and be more happy
    I rate this book 10/10 because I really enjoyed reading it.

  8. I enjoy reading books.

  9. Juliet Year4 says:

    Dear Mr.Kersys,
    Title: Paradise high
    Author: Annie Dalton

    Every Thursday, two girls named Karen and Lizzy go home to watch their favourite TV series called Paradise High. One day, the writer of the series went to their school and left a magical pen.
    Things that I like of the book:
    What I love about the book is that it was just like a treasure hunt but just with a magical pen and it made me have a lot of pictures in my head about what is happening.
    From Juliet! 😉

  10. Juliet Year4 says:

    Sorry Mr.Kersys,
    I forgot to rate Paradise High so I give it a 10/10! Really great book and I want more people in stage 15 to read this book!

  11. Valentina y 4 says:

    5.7 2023
    Name of the book: A Christmas Carol
    Author of the book: Charles Dickens
    I like this story because it teaches us not being unkind to people . It is easy to read and interesting . I would give 10/10 and recommend to read especially in Christmas festivity time.

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