To our St. Vincent’s family,

We are always here for you, even when you are not in the school building. You are used to using Worry Boxes in school. This is another version of the Worry Box, but online so you can contact us form wherever you are, whatever time it is.   If there is anything worrying you, please  post it below. We won’t publish your name but we will publish what is worrying you anonymously and we will try to find a solution which we will publish so you can read it-and this might also help others who are feeling the same way. You are not alone.

Please remember you can always talk to any of the trusted adults in school as well. 


                                                                                                                                   Together through Christ we grow and learn


If you need to speak to someone on the phone you can always call Childline who will listen and try to help.  


18 comments on “Worry Box 2022

  1. Dear Miss Coleman ,

    I am feeling sad but I do not Know what I am sad about! 🙁

  2. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you for sharing. It is okay to sometimes feel sad-and you are doing something about it by sharing how you are feeling. I will come and find you today for a chat and on Friday maybe you could have some time with Molly. Don’t forget to use the Happy Box in your classroom as well.

  3. Hi Miss Coleman,
    I worried about my tests this month.
    I don’t think I am going to do well.

  4. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you for sharing. It is normal to worry about assessments but as long as you try your best , we will be proud of you. Assessments are useful to identify your strengths as well as any areas that you need to work on so we can give your more support so try to see them as a positive to help you to do even better in the future.

  5. I am worried about my last year of school

  6. Miss Coleman says:

    Try to make the most of your final year at primary school and the opportunity to spend time with your friends. Keep trying your best, as you always do. there are lots of exciting events planned before you leave for secondary school, and I am confident that when the time comes, you will be ready for the next stage of your education. It is easier now with social media to to stay in touch with your friends-and we are always here if you need us or want to come and visit!

  7. Dear Miss Coleman,
    I’m Sad, but I don’t know why or how something got in my head!

  8. Miss Coleman says:

    Well done for sharing how you are feeling. I will come to find you tomorrow and we can have a chat.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I’m worried about the last set of tests I did because I don’t think I passed them.

  10. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you for sharing your feelings but please don’t worry about your tests. You have worked really hard during your time at St. Vincent’s and as long as you always try your best, we are always proud of you. You only have a short time left in Year 6 before you go to secondary school so try to enjoy this special time with your friends. I am really looking forward to your production!
    I will come and find you for a chat-and some Molly time!

  11. Anonymous says:

    I’m still feeling really out of place and I’ve gotten even more misunderstood, even though I’m just trying to help. I know myself as weird and unusual and I have a really bad feeling everyone thinks the same thing. It seems like they’re taking my help for granted. I really want to talk.

  12. Miss Coleman says:

    I hope you are feeling better now that we have had a chat. Remember that you can come and see me any time.
    God made us all different and this is to be celebrated-you are fabulous!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I am worried because of my grandmother 👵 because she had surgery


  14. Miss Coleman says:

    Surgery will hopefully help her to get better, although she may need some time to recover. I will remember your grandmother in my prayers and ask God to look after her.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Dear Miss Coleman,

    Please could we have a chat with you as soon as possible?

    Thank you 😔

  16. Miss Coleman says:

    Thanks for your comment. I will come and find you this afternoon.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I’m feeling sad because I feel like two people in my class are leaving me out and don’t want to play with me so I just leave them alone. Today I asked them for help but they said that they thought the class teacher would tell us off though everyone was working with whoever they wanted. I felt that they just didn’t want to spend time with me. I feel like I’ve just had the worst day ever even if it isn’t true. 😭😢💔

    At the same time I’m confused because sometimes they’re kind with me and today they are not.😕

  18. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you for sharing how you are feeling. I will come and speak with you today and help you to feel better.

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