This week has included World Book Day! This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading!

Can you imagine a world without books? Without stories? Without fascinating knowledge information to learn?

There is nothing better than finding a book which is impossible to put down: the sort of book you can’t wait to get home to read, to carry on from where you left off most recently. Books ignite our imaginations and feed our curiosity. Reading is one of the greatest pleasures you can find. Check out this poem about reading:

I Met a Dragon Face to Face by Jack Prelutsky

I met a dragon face to face
the year when I was ten,
I took a trip to outer space,
I braved a pirate’s den,
I wrestled with a wicked troll,
and fought a great white shark,
I trailed a rabbit down a hole,
I hunted for a snark.

I stowed aboard a submarine,
I opened magic doors,
I traveled in a time machine,
and searched for dinosaurs,
I climbed atop a giant’s head,
I found a pot of gold,
I did all this in books I read
when I was ten years old.

Let’s share on this blog our favourite books and explain why. Remember to include the name of the author as well as the title. Maybe we can use this blog to help us decide which book we want to read next…

7 comments on “Y5 World Book Day Reading Blog

  1. Olivia y5 🦄 says:

    I really recommend Harry Potter by J.K Rowling.
    It is an action-packed book full of adventure! There are seven books, each tell a different story.
    I think this book is perfect for who-ever likes fantasy, magic and adventure.

  2. Juliet Year5:) says:

    My book that I love to read is Splatoon by Sankichi Hinodeya and published by Shogakukan.

    It all starts when four Inklings who can switch between human and squid forms get caught up in a Splatoon Turf War that launches them into all-new adventures!

    The Turf Wars have started in Inkopolis, and the team that inks the most ground will be crowned the winner! Goggles and Team Blue are up for the challenge, despite being ranked lower than the other amazing Inkling competitors


    They won being in the next tournament with high ranks!!!!!!

  3. I like the same thing as Olivia. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling because in every
    series there’s a different interesting thing going on and someone saves the day.
    The bit that I really is about the magic!

  4. I recommend The Night Animals by Sarah Ann Juckes. This story is amazing! It was a full of adventure, magic and I always put a smile when reading it.

  5. Heloise Y5 says:

    A book I liked…
    Title: When the war came home
    Author: Lesley Parr
    Book Explanation: I liked this book because it was about the war and a boy whose best friend couldn’t remember who he was. ( Because of the war. )

  6. I recommend a book which is called David Atombrough because it tells you about his life and what he wanted to be when he was young.

    I really have fun learning about different books which get me inspiered!!!!!!!

  7. Archie and Reddie a compation
    a book about a dog and a fox that joined a compation and they had to do a talent show
    they went to the Libary and they had a bunch of books that they couldnt carry so they had to join the talent show brecause whoever wins gets a Wagon they thought of alot of ideas like roller blading or football but they couldnt decide at the end the fox did the gutair and the dog did football at the end they both won as a team

    I recomend this book because it inspires people to do what they want and try ther best even when things were challenging

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