Today Year 3 took had a diversity lesson. Our goals were to recognize how we are the same and different than others, and to be able to talk about how people might be different than us in curious and respectful ways.

We began by discussing all the ways differences are good. We decided that if everyone was the same, life would be quite boring. We talked about how diverse our world is, and that people are all different in wonderful ways. We decided differences do not make anyone better or worse, they’re just differences! We then shared all the differences we have amongst each other! Some of us have different eye coulours, celebrate different holidays and come from many different countries!

Even though we have differences between us, we also have a lot that is the same. We played four corners and found out quite a bit of information about our classmates. One thing we all have in common is that we all have feelings, and can feel angry when someone is mean or disrespectful to us.

We discussed how it is okay to be curious about differences, however we need to be respectful when we talk about them and ask about them. If you are really curious about someone’s difference, it’s okay to ask about it in a respectful way. They might choose not to answer, and that’s okay. We can respect that, too.

Year 3 really impressed our teacher today with our answers. We were incredibly reflective throughout and were able to have some thoughtful discussions!

3 comments on “Celebrating Diversity

  1. That’s true! Being different is great and we’re lucky we’re different from other people!

  2. Learning about diversity was awesome. I loved getting to know to say other kind ways to tell about peoples differences.

  3. Being different is the biggest gift God has given us!

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