This week Year 4 began their new Computing unit ‘Logo Turtle Mania’ which is all about coding!

We began the lesson by re-capping the coding they learnt in Year 3 using Scratch and outside of school as part of clubs. We then discussed what coding is and what it might be used for.

Coding is a creating set of instructions for a computer to follow which can be used to create website, video games and apps.

Year 4 learnt that the arrow shaped moveable object in the middle of the screen is called a ‘turtle’ and our first challenge was to create a square.

We used one of our classmates as a real like ‘turtle’ and tried to give them the precise instructions such as ‘go forward’ and ‘turn left 90 degrees’ to create a square by moving across the carpet. We then tried this on the computer and it worked!

Our first challenge was to access the new program we would be using in Year 4 called ‘Logo’

Next, the children had a go at creating a square themselves using the commands we had learnt and then complete a series of other challenges such as creating four squares together, creating a square with different coloured sides and a square which filled the entire screen! It was tricky to complete some of these tasks but we had a go and helped our friends along the way. We also learnt that finding where we went wrong and correcting mistakes in coding is called ‘debugging’.

We will be continuing with this exciting unit over the next two week.

What was your favourite part of our Computing lesson this week?

One comment on “Computing in Year 4

  1. Well done year four. You are mastering your skills!

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