Our book of the week is The Little Red Hen, we have been learning all about her story, and the process of making bread.
We have been learning all about how the wheat takes 10 months to grow from grain, and how hard it must be for the little red hen to cut the wheat by herself.

We watched a video about how we have big machines called combine harvesters that cut a whole field of wheat for us! Then we saw how the wheat is milled, and how this changes the wheat from grains to flour.

As the wheat had only been made into flour, we thought about the other ingredients we may need to make dough, that when baked becomes bread. We learnt about the importance of yeast in dough, the ingredient that helps the dough to be stretchy, causes the bread to rise and helps the inside of the bread become nice and fluffy.

In groups we took turns to make our own dough. We mixed all the ingredients together in a bowl, and each had a careful stir. Then our hands got very messy as we squeezed all the ingredients together, adding extra flour when our hands got too sticky!

We practiced being just like the little red hen, kneading and rolling out our dough. We had so much fun!

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