In English, we have recently been studying Send for a Superhero! by Michael Rosen.

This is a book where a family read a comic book together. In the comic book, there are two hideous villains called Filth and Vacuum that are about to destroy the world! We have been learning about different suffixes, such as the -y suffix for adjectives. We used this to describe the villains and used words such as ‘scary’ and ‘terrifying’. Once we had described our villains, we then worked to create our own Wanted posters for the terrible two. This was the first time in Year 2 that we have completed writing such as this. We had to consider the purpose of our writing and we wanted to try and include exclamation marks where we could, so that anybody reading it knew that we were serious! Once our wanted posters were written, we then decorated them and they have been put on display in our classrooms. We are really happy with how these have turned out!

Later in our work on this text, we also wrote an email to the Mayor, begging him for help with solving the problem of Filth and Vacuum. Again, we had to use exclamation marks and we also tried to use -ed and -ing suffixes to show that things had happened, and that things are currently happening (progressive verbs, using -ing). This meant that we used phrases such as ‘They have destroyed the beach and are plotting to attack the offices!’.

To supplement our learning, we have started using Spelling Shed this term and have been loving it so far! We have learned about different spellings for the /j/ sound. This week, we have focused on using ‘g’ and have been learning words such as gem, giant and gentle. One of our tasks this week was to describe an image of a scary giant, holding onto a bird. This helped to inspire us, and prompted us to use our imaginations. We also had to include three of our key spelling words, gentle, giant and magic.

This week though, we have been planning our very own Send for a Superhero story. We have used a planning format which has helped us to box up our ideas. We reminded ourselves of our text, and thought carefully about the sequence. We kept a few things the same, such as the build up. However, we could design our very own hero! We spent time thinking about expanded noun phrases to describe them, their characteristics and their weapons! We could then use these within our plans and our stories. During our writing time, we focused on splitting this up to make sure that we remained focused on what we wanted to say. We tried to use our very best joined handwriting, and also focused on our capital letters and full stops.

We have really impressed our teacher this week, as we have shown such great listening skills and concentration too! Our stories are brilliant and we are really proud of our hard work.

5 comments on “English: Send for MY Superhero!

  1. wow year 2 good job. that looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Alexandra Y3 says:

    That looks fun!

  3. I loved doing this English and spelling shed.I love the adjectives scary, terrifying and anxious.

  4. I really want to know about more superheros.I am learning about Florence Nightinghale at school and at home I am learning about Marie Curie.

  5. I enjoy doing this English and spelling shed. It’s so much fun.

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