We have had a fun (and tiring!) Enterprise Week in Year 6!

We decided to make personalised Hand Sanitiser bottles and pouches! In Design Technology we designed our products and then evaluated the effectiveness of our products at the end of the week.

After exploring the importance of logos, we each designed a company name and logo before voting on our preferred design. We actually ended up with two designs so the children merged the designs to make our final logo!

In Maths, we focused on money and completed lots of problem activities which got us working in groups and discussing the problems using mathematical vocabulary. We also learnt about profit, loss and interest. As a class, we decided to give 15% of our profits to charity so working out how much money we needed to donate was a great challenge!

In English we explored persuasive language and wrote our own adverts using rhetorical questions, superlatives and imperative verbs.

It has been a great week and we are now all ready for Half Term!

4 comments on “Enterprise Week

  1. This was a very fun week I really enjoyed it. 🙂

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you for your comment Elena-I’m glad that you enjoyed the week! I hope that you had a lovely break and see you tomorrow 🙂

  3. *+...Elsa...+* says:

    I really enjoyed enterprise week! I couldn’t have ended my enterprise week time better! Thanks for the amazing time that we had together. *+…Elsa…+*

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    I’m so pleased that you enjoyed Enterprise Week! I hope that you had a lovely break and see you tomorrow 🙂

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