Reception have shown so much enthusiasm and creativity during this year’s Enterprise Week!

We have had a busy week of learning and have shown excellent team work skills with our friends.

To begin the week, we shared lots of our ideas about our company name and logo design. We made posters to advertise our product and created our own class song to encourage everyone to buy our Colourful Keyrings! We developed new vocabulary and enjoyed describing our Colourful Keyrings. We talked about the designs, colours and what we liked best about them.

After working out the cost of our Colourful Keyrings, we set up our own shop in class where we engaged in lots of role-play to develop our buying and selling skills! This was a great way to develop our communication and language! We handled different coins and found out that coins have different values. We played a coin recognition game where we each had our own wallets with different coins. We had to match our coins to the selected coin.

During the week we also had two special visits from two of the parents at St Vincent’s. First we met a pilot. We talked about some of the important jobs a pilot does and asked the pilot many questions to find out more about his work. We then met a University tutor who told us all about what a university is and that people who want to carry on with their learning can study here.

Our favourite part of the week was making our Colourful Keyrings! Lots of our parents came in to help us make all of the keyrings. We made lots of different designs including a fish, sun, star, heart, butterfly and flower. We decorated them with lots of tiny sparkly gems. This activity helped develop our fine motor skills.

Finally, we made sure we put everyone’s order in the correct envelope so that we could deliver them to all of the classes.

Today, we reflected on all of the learning powers we have built on this week and especially focused on the meaning of ‘perseverance’ as we didn’t give up throughout the week!

Thanks to everyone who bought one of our Colourful Keyrings! Lots of us in Reception bought one and we can’t wait to put them on our bag!

A special thanks to Miss Carruthers for organising such a fun and exciting week of learning!

9 comments on “Enterprise Week in Reception!

  1. I like making keyrings! It’s so fun!

  2. Catherine Yr6 says:

    WOW!!! Those keyrings look amazing!

  3. Those keyrings look amazing. They are so beautiful!

  4. Alexandra Y3 says:

    I love your colourful keyrings. I thought they look so good that I ordered one. They are so sparkly and pretty. Well done reception!

  5. They are so sparkly and pretty Reception. You did excellent work on enterprise week.

  6. I hope you made a lot of profit Reception. I hope your thinking what your going to buy for your classroom.

  7. Florence Y3🌈 says:

    I like your colourful keyrings Reception.

  8. I love the keyrings so much that I wanted to get one! I would have liked a rainbow one 🙂🪷💘😻😹😸😺🩵🌺🌹💐☘️🍃🌈🏜️🏞️🌊☔🐹🐼🐯🐱🦁🐺🦝🍑🍠🍆🍇🫐🥭🦚🦪🍧🍨🎃🪩🪅🎆

  9. I loved enterprise week, because keyrings are so fun to make. We used lots of sparkly gems on the keyring to make it fun. The keyrings had loads of different patterns of animals.

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