What a year it has been!! Reception have been fantastic throughout this unexpected year.

I am so proud of everyone for how they have grown into amazing readers and writers! You have all made so much progress I am so pleased 🙂 thank you for being such a lovely first class, I will treasure this year forever. 

I am sad to see you all go, but I am so excited for your next year, Year 1 here you come! 

Miss Walsh, Miss Pereira, Miss O’Connell and Miss Rosselini want to say a big thank you to all of the parents for the support throughout this year. Thank you for all the lovely and generous gifts, it means so much. We wish you all a happy summer with lots of sunshine! x

4 comments on “Goodbye and thank you!

  1. Michelle Walsh says:

    Fabulous pictures. Thanks so much and happy holidays x

  2. Leopold and family. says:

    Have nice holidays !
    Thank you very much for this year.

  3. Adelaide Pereira says:

    Thank you for these amazing last day of school photos. Alexandra will treasure her memories in reception class.
    Wishing you all a super summer break!

  4. Joeys mum says:

    What a lovely message and such cute photos. Thank you so much for everything!!

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