As we move through Lent towards the end of a tumultuous term, our eyes are fixed on the message of hope that Easter brings. May we take this opportunity to wish you and your communities a Lent filled with grace and insight and an Eastertide filled with joy and celebration.

The Gospel for Sunday 7th March shows Jesus in the temple, angry about the unjust behaviour and practice of the money lenders. He was moved to action, turning over the tables and casting out the dishonest traders. Click here to take a look at the video to see the Gospel story.

As Catholics, we are called to respond to injustice in the world. Let us know in the comments…

What can we do about homelessness?

·       PRAY – pray for the person on the street

·       STOP – give up treats to save pocket money…

·       GO – …and give that money to a homeless charity

What can we do about graffiti/vandalism?

·       PRAY – when you pass that place, say a prayer for those who feel the desire to vandalise

·       STOP – instead of watching TV at the weekend…

·       GO – …do something that makes that area more beautiful – perhaps clean up street rubbish or plant some flowers

Can you think of further instances of injustice in the world and how we might respond using ‘Pray, Stop, Go’? Some ideas could be:

·       Food banks being necessary

·       Families/friends not getting along

·       Old people being lonely

·       Children not being properly cared for

·       Refugees having to leave their homes and not being welcome at their destination

Holy Week

In these uncertain times where we can’t control whether we will be able to go to Mass or not, you might like to take time at home to remember the events of Holy Week.

It starts with Palm Sunday, when Jesus is welcomed triumphantly into His own holy city of Jerusalem. Later in the week, Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum (the three holy days) and when the disciples shared the Last Supper. That night we remember Jesus in agony in the garden and we try and spend some prayer time keeping Him company. Then follows His betrayal, arrest and cruel trials which continue into Good Friday: Jesus’ final passion and death on the Cross. Holy Saturday is the quiet day of the three holy days. Then there is the climax of joy, as the Church celebrates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead! ‘Alleluias’ resound throughout the Liturgy and continue on until Ascension and Pentecost.

Ten Ten have produced 4 audio reflections (click here) . We have provided these here for you to listen to together at home. You can listen to them Monday – Thursday, or play them on the days they correspond to:

1.    The Last Supper (Maundy Thursday)

2.    The Arrest (Maundy Thursday)

3.    The Trial (Maundy Thursday / Good Friday)

4.    The Crucifixion (Good Friday)

 Please take a look at the Home Learning sections for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes where you will find additional activities for Lent.


Father God,

Thank you for the grace of Lent.

Please help us in our Lent adventure to pray more.

Help us to stop doing some things so that we are free to go out to others with acts of service.

Show us how best to prepare for Easter.


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