This week in Nursery we have been very bisy with out Math work! We have started a new topic this week called ‘Growing’ which is all about how plants and animals grow and develop. In Math we looked at plants and how some plants are tall and some are short. We focused on the language “taller” and “shorter” and compared different sized plants. We then talked about how people can be different sizes too. We measured ourselves against our classmates and then we measured ourselves onto paper. We then used this paper to create a flower garden full of everyone in Nursery. This shows our different sizes, which are topped by a beautiful flower.

Nursery also looked at the numerals 0-5 in Math. We first started by recapping our counting to 10, using our fingers to help us. We sung lots of counting songs! We then looked at the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on some magic beans that were left over in the classroom from Jack, from ‘Jack and the Giant Beanstalk”. We practised making the numbers with our fingers and saying the numbers out loud in order. We then took it in turns to draw the correct number of circles for each numeral. Next we sat in a small group and matched the correct numerals together, and then we put the correct number of bean bags next to each numeral. We also got to practise writing each of the numerals. Finally we practised recognising and ordering the numerals in the correct order.

Well done Nursery on a big first week back of Spring 2!

One comment on “Maths in Nursery

  1. Alexandra Y3 πŸ₯°πŸ˜β€ says:

    I like your growing garden. The flowers look pretty. Great job nursery!πŸŒΈπŸ΅πŸŒΉπŸ’

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