Year 4 have been working very hard this week in all of their assessments! Well done everyone!

You have done brilliantly and continued to be smiley and positive the whole week through. You should be very proud of yourselves, just as I am very proud of you!

When we had finally completed all of our assessments, Year 4 learnt all about Roman Numerals!

We thought about what Roman numerals are and where we might still use them. We discussed how we can still find Roman numerals on clocks, on inscriptions of buildings and in books!

The class then used their understanding of number and place value to think about how Roman numerals are structured, e.g. IV is 1 before 5 which is 4!

After practicing counting to 100, we had a go at some puzzles. Some children worked in a group to match up Roman and decimal positional numeral system (the numerals we usually use) to create a geometric pattern. We also had a go at using Roman numerals to crack a code to reveal a quote by Julius Caesar:

“It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life”.

What do you think? Do you agree?



7 comments on “Maths in Year 4!

  1. Math was really easy and a bit hard😐

  2. The math on that day was so much fun and easy

  3. Math was really fun and easy.😎

  4. Maths is one of my favorite subjects!

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  5. I loved the Maths. It was really easy, fun and creative.

  6. Maths is awaits fun and is never hard for me with times tables or adding or subtracting!!!

  7. Sophia B Y4 says:

    Math is hard but at the same time it is fun!😎

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